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Monday, June 28, 2021

Where the Fairies Dance

Our farm and wildflower border along the road

Some of you may feel as if you live on the far side of the moon, or the sun, if you're cooking under 110 degree heat. I melt when the thermometer hits 80 and the humidity soars. This week temperatures will rise into the 90's. Living in the lovely Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, which reminds me of The Shire (The Lord of the Rings), we are spared the worst of summer--usually. The amount of heat we get zapped with is plenty for me. I'm a spring and fall junkie because I love the cooler temps, infinite blue skies, and welcome the much needed rain. Our part of the valley tends to be dry, but our farm has a deep well and I drag the hose around to water. It's a lot of work, though. Not that I'm one to complain. 

We've had a splendid June this year. To venture forth outside in the early morning is pure joy. The garden reveals fresh wonders no matter how often I go there. Even if the earth is parched, beads of dew sparkle on the glistening leaves like tiny jewels. Morning makes all things new. 

I'm incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by this mini Eden and gratified to help bring it to life. I also give nature and our creator, God, quite a bit of the credit.  

As I reluctantly bid early summer adieu and brace myself for hot July, I will seek the beauty. And keep watch for fairies.

June Roses

"Our love of outdoor life is hereditary; Adam was a gardener. ~Poor Richard Junior's Philosophy, The Saturday Evening Post, 1903, George Horace Lorimer, editor

My little bit of earth in the front garden is one of the places that I find my bearings. The rhythm of my day begins with a cup of coffee and a little bit of weeding or dreaming. ~Betsy Cañas Garmon,

Everything, from kings to cabbages, needs a root in the soil somewhere. ~Woods Hutchinson, A.M., M.D. (1862–1930)

Plants give us oxygen for the lungs and for the soul. ~Terri Guillemets

I sit in my garden, gazing upon a beauty that cannot gaze upon itself. And I find sufficient purpose for my day. ~Robert Brault,

And with that, I agree.

The garden is a magical place. God walks the garden at dusk and the fairies dance at dawn. 

*** Images of my June garden. 


  1. So lovely and your thoughts and quotes are just as beautiful.
    We should all have flower gardens so we can replenish our souls and stoke our imaginations as we watch diligently for the fairies.
    Remember they can disguise themselves as colorful blooms and ride on the backs of birds and fuzzy little bees. One must keep a sharp eye out for them! :)

  2. I would love to see your garden in June. I realize you've put a lot of work into making it so beautiful, and it shows. Thank you for sharing your photos.

    1. I wish you could see my garden too, but I will continue to share. Thanks Caroline.

  3. You pictures are wonderful. But those peach-pink roses are exquisite!

  4. Your plants are beautiful! Thank you for sharing!


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