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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The Coupon Queen by Bea Tifton

 Filling in for the lovely and talented Beth Trissel.

Groceries. Who doesn’t love going to the store, winding around pushy shoppers, trying to find everything on your list, and finally, having to pay for your pile of monthly provisions. Currently, I’m trying to alleviate the pain by using coupons.

When I was a little girl, we went on vacation every year. Every time we entered a new state, my father would stop by the visitors' information center. While my family browsed and my father chatted with the clerk, I would gather pamphlets. I especially liked the ones with coupons, and my family made fun of me for it.

One trip my father had driven for hours. We were tired and grimy, and he decided it was time to look for a hotel. I piped up and said I had a coupon for the hotel we were passing. Dad pulled in and looked at it, and it he was surprised at how much we could save. After that, whenever we stopped at the tourist information centers, Dad would pull me aside and say, “Go find a coupon.”

For years I tried to use coupons. Inevitably, I would either buy things I didn’t need because I had a coupon or forget the coupons at home. Enter the age of apps. Now all I have to do is choose the coupons I want  and link them to my account. Sooooo much easier.  And I’ve learned to resist the temptation to buy something just because I have a coupon.

I can’t say I’ve become the Coupon Queen. I don’t have the ability or the perseverance to gather so many coupons that I end up paying $1.25 for an entire cart of groceries, but every little bit helps.

And I still stop at the visitors' information center as soon as I cross state lines.

Photo Credits
Rulo Davila "Women Shopping in the Grocery"
Jeffrey Czum "Concrete Building Under Blue Sky"
Matheus Henrin "Woman Sitting on Beige Floor Tile"
Joshua T "Welcome to Utah Poster Under Blue Daytime Sky"


  1. I don't use many anymore, but I feel very righteous when I do! Then I make plans to use them all the time, which doesn't happen. I love those big savings on the highway, though!

  2. I no longer use coupons anymore as well. It seems, even with my local CVS and its long, long list of items reduced with coupons, the merchandise items are always things I don't need or use. :(


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