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Wednesday, August 23, 2023


                               by Judy Ann Davis

 Summer is slipping away, and fall is slowly nudging its way in as I write this. I'll miss summer. It provides one of the most beautiful landscapes for us in Central Pennsylvania. 

How aware are you of the world around you? Do you take time to hear the song of the birds in the morning or the serenade of insects at night? Do you pause to hear the far off lonely sound of a train whistle? 

Do you stop what you’re doing to gaze skyward and enjoy a colorful cloud formation floating across the sky? When you see a bed of vibrant flowers that catches your eye, do you stoop to touch their soft petals and smell their fragrance?

Too often in life, we are rushing through the world, heading from one activity to another, unaware of the universe around us. We become so caught up in our personal activities that we confuse being alive with living. True living means we’re connected with the universe around and cognizant of it. Being alive is merely breathing and being functional, and often we erroneously confuse rushing from one activity to the next as living. It's not.

We all need to take time to pay attention to what is around us and make a connection to the world and the people in it. To live means seeing, sensing, and connecting with everything and everyone around us—using our five senses of taste, sight, touch, hearing and smell.  It’s taking time to appreciate our marvelous planet and its people. It’s also a wonderful way to squeeze in a few moments of calmness, awareness, and sheer enjoyment in our chaotic lives...and maybe share those moments with others as well.  

                                   NEW - NEW - NEW

COURTING BETSY – Ashmore Brothers Book 3 –A Western Romantic Mystery!  Kindle version now available on AMAZON PRE-ORDER until the first of September. Can the spunky shopkeeper save the U.S. Marshal’s life? Can three scheming orphaned boys help him woo her and become a family?





  1. Living rurally, the seasons' changing is one of the most spectacular things we get to see. Age has brought so much awareness with it.

    1. Yes, I agree. The four seasons are awesome with each one having its own special qualities, sights, and sounds.

  2. I grew up in the country- amongst the trees and the wildlife- and I am really struggling in my concrete city- HOA- but between housing increases and the pandemic rush to leave the city, there are not a lot of rural homes available around here.


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