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Wednesday, August 16, 2023

What To Do When You Don't Want To Do Anything by Joan Reeves

I've never been really sick before other than a cold or allergy stuff—until this summer.

After visiting for a granddaughter's high school graduation and my brother's birthday, I returned home feeling quite well and happy.

Two days later, I came down with a horrible "unknown pathogen" according to lab tests. I spent the rest of the summer too sick to go anywhere or do anything.

Gradually, my immune system fought off whatever it was, and I began to get better. Unfortunately, it's been really difficult to get my energy back. For almost 3 months, I couldn't eat, lost weight, and could do little more than lie in a recliner and watch TV.

What To Do When You Don't Want To Do Anything

Being sick is tough on the body, the emotions, the brain, and the spirit. I was so sick I didn't even feel like reading! Now that's bad.

For weeks, all I felt like doing was watching TV. I became well acquainted with all of the streaming services.

In the belief that 'laughter is the best medicine," I sought comedy in whatever intelligent form I could stream on the big TV where the recliners are. Funny dog videos on YouTube were my favorite along with DryBar Comedy.

I caught up with all of the new RomComs on Netflix, Prime, etc. and the classics too. When I couldn't find anything funny, I watched British police and detective procedurals—anything that made me think to figure out a mystery.

4 Ways To Feel Better When You're Sick and Tired

1. Laugh. There's a reason RomComs are so popular. If you're too sick to read, find something funny with streaming.

2. Think. That's what the myriad mysteries and suspense TV series and movies made me do. Puzzles are good for the brain.

3. Listen to uplifting music. I have a few favorite Pandora stations I created. They are: string music, Classical Romance, and pop music from my high school era. Set up a free Pandora account and create a radio station featuring the kind of music that makes you feel good.

4. When you start to feel better, manage your energy level. Those with chronic diseases know all about the "spoon" philosophy of energy management. Just because you start to feel better, don't overdo it.

Figure out what you can do without exhausting yourself, or you'll end up back in the recliner instead of making progress. It's better to consistently spend an hour each morning working at something than spending 5 hours one day and then having no energy for the rest of the week.

You can build on an hour a day, but when you end up flat on your back and exhausted there's no way you can build on that.

Back to Basics

Today begins my first writing day in a while. I have a backlog of work—an edited manuscript to rework, 2 Kindle Vellas to draw to a close this month, a new book to start, promotion to get sales to pick up, blog posts to write, and so much more.

Since, I can only do 1 project at a time so I'll kick off this "back to blogging" with a sale on Second Chance Bride, a  delightfully romantic and emotional love story about second chances in life and love. 

For the next week, this book will be on sale for 99¢ at your Kindle store. If you love this book, please do me a favor and leave a short review so others can find this romance.

I wish you cooler weather—it's been triple digits here since July—and happy reading!

 Joan Reeves participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, affiliate advertising designed to provide a way for websites to earn advertising fees by linking to products on Amazon. She may receive a small commision at no extra cost to you.


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