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Wednesday, September 6, 2023

That One Hobby~Sherri Easley

When I hear the doorbell ring, I peek out the curtain to make sure it’s not the camera crew from Hoarders- the TV series.

If she who has the most fabric, vinyl and leather or most sewing machines wins (I have 13); I own a gold medal.

I used to say I sewed for therapy, but at this point in my hobby, I could be seeing Dr. Phil.

People laugh when I say these things with no idea how close to the truth it is.

I have been sewing since I was 5 years old. My first project was a short crop top out of a feed sack on my grandmother’s old Adler knee pedal sewing machine. I immediately wore it, spilled chocolate milk on it and threw it away because the stain would not come out.

I am one week away from Fiber Fest- at the Irving Texas Convention Center. This will be my first three-day show. It will be September 15-17. These will be long, tiring days of selling my wares. I am not as spry as I used to be when I did trade and craft shows in my thirties, and I swore I would never do it again, and here I am sewing until the wee hours of the night, after a full day of work at the corporate job.

Because I am out of the loop, I set my booth up in my living room. It is a bit sparse but, hey; I have 7 more nights before I have to set it all up and go.

My three dogs and 2 cats are over it. They expect sleep at a specific time and when that doesn't happen, they sleep at the foot pedals of my sewing machine to the point, I can't even move my chair. 


Do you have that hobby besides writing you can’t seem to shake?



  1. I sew, and I love doing it, but my skills I have been making potholders know, instant gratification; they only take about 20 minutes. I love all your projects. I learned on my mom's Singer treadle machine, which I still have but will never, ever use again; it's a hateful thing. Or, at least, it hated me.

    1. A cantankerous sewing machine can really make you hate sewing. I have a couple of really fancy embroidery machines and much of what I do is made on those- very little skill needed. In fact, I have taught my seven year old grand how to thread it. As always, thank you for reading my post.

  2. Nice post! I like to sew, but I also do woodworking and make small products like birdhouses, wooden pumpkins, etc. Sometimes, when my writing stalls, I go to my shop and play with wood while I'm trying to figure out a problem with my writing.

    1. Oh yes, I have so many power tools and I once renovated a house. I just don't have the workspace for that anymore. Too much creativity and so little time- thanks for reading ;)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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