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Saturday, August 26, 2023

Is It Fall? by Laura Hunsaker

 It's about 100 degrees where I live, and my air conditioning is still running, so why on Earth did I buy a Pumpkin Spice Latte today? 

Because it dropped below 100 and we had cooler temps for a week courtesy of the Hurricane, and next thing you know I'm wearing a scarf and drinking a PSL! School is in, I'm seeing Halloween candy in the stores, and today Starbucks dropped the mother of all fall beverages, the call to fall, the Pumpkin Spice Latte.

So with fall practically here, and my boots and scarves on stand-by, I am ready! The main thing I think of with fall isn't apple picking, or leaves changing, or any of the typical fall activities that I see online. (I don't live somewhere where we do that), my main fall activity is wanting a hot coffee, a blanket, and a good TV show. Which brings me to my big question: What should I be watching?

I don't watch a lot of TV but I am buddy watching Supernatural with my daughter, and Good Omens with a friend...but what is out there that you love? What would I add to my list. Usually I re-watch faves, or I watch stuff with my children, but I want to branch out. I feel like I spend too much time online and I want to try something new.

So my post is a two-parter: What do you love about fall, and since I love being cozy in my house with a hot coffee and show, what should I be watching? Tell me all about it! 

And keep an eye on my website because I have Dangerous Past and Dreams of the Future releasing soon...perhaps this fall...

In the meantime, enjoy the Backstreet Boys parody, "Pumkin Spice Latte."


  1. I love most everything about fall (except for the rain and the wind), including the blanket and the pumpkin spice. I don't watch enough TV to recommend anything--I use it for background noise while I read. Fun post, though, and now I'm needing me some pumpkin spice...

    1. I got one, and it was amazing! lol But since it's still hot, I had to get it iced.;)


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