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Sunday, August 6, 2023

OOPs I DID IT AGAIN ~ Sherri Easley


Not the first time I’ve done this. Not even the 100th time. I never seem to learn. I think there is a deep down need for a crisis in my life. What is this dilemma I keep finding myself in? 


Five weeks until DFW Fiber Fest–at the Irving Convention Center- and I have a booth.

In the meantime, I have been taking that new diet drug Wegovy and I have symptoms similar to morning sickness, while working my corporate day job, and helping with the littles three days a week. 

The littles are ages 7 and 4 and while they entertain themselves watching TV, they equate visiting Mama C with doing something special.

Anyway, I will keep this message brief. If you are in the Dallas area, come out to see me. My booth's name is Button-N-Boo. I will have knitting project bags, Harris Tweed purses and bags and a few other miscellaneous sewn crafts.

 I will be next to my friend Maureen, who hand dyes yarn at Charming Ewe.


  1. What beautiful things! Thanks for sharing the pictures, and good luck!

  2. Beautiful work! I embroider and know how much work handmade things are!

    1. Thank You! Come see me- it is Sept 14-17 at the Irving Convention Center

  3. What beautiful work! My favorite is the purple and green purse, but it's all wonderful. You've been working very hard!

    1. Thank you Bea! Sewing is therapy for me, but it does take away from my writing.


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