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Saturday, October 5, 2024


 Stephanie Suesan Smith writing for Caroline Clemmons

It is fall in Texas and the temperatures are starting to drop enough to go outside during the day.  I am eagerly waiting for November.  I have a birthday then.  More importantly, a book comes out I want to read.  

The Mirror, the second book in the Lost Brides Trilogy, by Nora Roberts comes out November 19, 2024.  I read the first book in the series, Inheritance, when it came out in the spring.  I also read Nora Roberts series In Death that she writes as J.D. Robb.  They come out in February and September.

I eagerly drop whatever book I am reading when a new In Death comes out and read it.  I usually finish it in two or three days.  Then I have book regret.  I have to wait six months for the next one.  Do you ever have problems with book regret?

As authors, having readers so excited about reading your books must be wonderful.  I usually write nonfiction articles and I don't know of anyone watering with baited breath to read my next gardening text.  

Of course, I have lots of books in the to-be-read pile to fill in the time between the publication of another book in the series I am reading.  

I had to switch to collecting ebooks when I moved from a house to an apartment, so the stacks ar metephorical.  I am always adding to it, but I miss real books.  I had a full room just for my books.  Somehow, it isn't the same to curl up with my phone to read them.  Do you prefer ebooks or physical books?  I still have some physical reference texts, but just don't have room for my library anymore.

What series do you rush to read?  Many of Caroline Clemmons' books are now in audiobook format, great for listening to while driving back and forth to work or on errands, or cleaning the house.  


  1. I love Nora Roberts too! I am excited that Caroline's books are on Audible-I am an audible junkie!


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