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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Fiber Fest 2024 is on the Books~ Sherri Easley

Well, after months of preparing, my big show ended with a twisted finale.  DFW Fiber Fest is an annual three-day event held at the Irving Convention Center in Dallas, Texas. Next year will be their 20th year. With over 100 vendors of fiber related products such as hand dyed yarn, project bags, raw wool, spinning devices, weaving looms, supplies and classes, it is a playground for the crafter.

I worked for months to prepare for this event, planning everything in minute detail, such as the placement of my items, what to sell, and my list of tools and things I needed to be my best for the big three-day show.

By all standards, I had a great show, except for that little thing I mentioned in the beginning…

Being a hyper independent person, I set up my booth all by myself, grid wall and all. After about 5 hours, it was ready. I put everything extra back on my dolly, more than I should have to save a trip, and headed for my car.

As I moved across the parking garage, eyes on my car, something fell off my dolly, causing me to trip. I 
face planted in the parking garage. My glasses broke and left a C shaped cut around my eye that bled like the victim in a teenage horror movie. I sat in my car feeling my arms and wrists and felt no protrusions and held McDonald napkins on my face to stop the bleeding. Then, after convincing myself I did not have a concussion, and putting on the extra pair of glasses I always carry, I drove the hour and half home.

The next morning, I put a band-aid on my eye and did my show. Repeat on Saturday and Sunday, and yes, my arm was a "little sore".

After the show, I tore everything down, moved it to my car and went home. By Monday, dark bruising showed up. My eye was completely black and my fingers tingled. I went to Minor emergency on Tuesday, 5 days after the event and guess what? My elbow is broken.

That’s been a couple of weeks now. My black eye is gone, and my cut has almost healed. My arm still hurts at night and getting new x-rays on Tuesday.

I hope all of you started your October on a much brighter note. 


  1. I'm glad it went so well, not glad for the fall and the injuries. Take care!

  2. Sorry your time was ruined. Hope you heal soon.

  3. Sherri, I'm sorry you learned the hard way that people don't bounce well. You are an amazing woman!


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