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Friday, September 13, 2024

Treading Water by Bea Tifton

Sometimes life interferes. It just does. I love writing this blog and look forward to it all year, but now it’s late. I never used to miss deadlines. But as I’ve gotten older and life has become more complicated, I find that I don’t feel as organized. Sometimes I feel like I’m treading water. Sometimes I go under.

To be clear, Dear Reader, I have a good life. I have a few very close friends who are always in my lifeboat. They are different in personality and they have different talents, which is great. It helps add balance. But I know I can trust them and that’s what’s important. I have parents who love me. I have activities I enjoy. I volunteer for a pet rescue called Highway Hounds of Texas and it’s such an important organization. Saving lives and warming my heart. I also volunteer for a homeless program called Room in the Inn during the hottest part of the year and the coldest part of the year. The other volunteers are my friends, it’s so interesting to meet the unhoused men, and volunteering really restores my perspective!

But in our modern times, we are inundated with information. Too much, really. I use social media to keep up with people. Years ago, we would telephone, visit, or even (gasp!) write letters to keep in touch. Oh, how I miss getting and writing letters. But our country is in the midst of a cultural civil war. And I struggle with my friends who follow a person I just can’t imagine supporting. It’s gone beyond, “Agree to disagree” because we are developing different value systems. And there’s so much vitriol and disinformation on Facebook that it can be difficult to sift through it all.

And the news. We hear about things that happen all over the country, all over the planet. And that can be overwhelming. I truly believe there are more good people in the world than bad people, but the bad people do such horrible things and we hear so much about them. It’s hard to remember the good things. I used to watch the news several times a day. I’m down to once a day with my father each evening, but I may have to just take a break for a while. I like the human interest stories, so I’d like to just watch part of the news.

When we were locked down in a world-wide pandemic, people said they wouldn’t overschedule anymore. I was dubious, but hopeful. One of my favorite friends cares about me and thinks about me, I truly believe. But she’s too busy to get together. I miss her. I’m missing her kids growing up. But those kids are busier than a Fortune 500 CEO, and she has a job and a side business. I don’t know how she does it, brilliant and amazing as she is.

So, if you’re feeling a bit overloaded, remember that as trite as it is, it’s true: taking time out for yourself is not selfish. It’s refreshing, invigorating, recharging. It’s just as important to the people around you as it is for you because a car that’s run out of gas can’t help anyone. Take a news break. Take a break from the garbage on social media. If you must check, and I get it; I keep track of several people I love that way, think of it the way we should thing about work email. Check it twice a day. Or just check the pages that are positive and uplifting. And do the occasional frivolous thing. Don’t think of reading as nonessential. Reading recharges our brain and keeps it going through the years. Take a bubble bath. Go to a museum. Take a nature hike. Anything that recharges you. Or leave a day blissfully, wonderfully open and just relax.

And so I must conclude, Dear Reader. I have an appointment for a pedicure, and I feel delightfully decadent. It’s time to uplug.

(I would love for you to comment, but please don't include anything political in your post. 💓)

Laszlo Glatz "A Duck Paddling on Water"
Elena Saharova "Lifeboat in Calm Water in Dusk"
Darina Belonogova "WOman with Curly Hair with Hands on Her Head"
Ricardo Lima "An Old TV Set"
Arina Krasnikova "Girl in Green Dress Standing Behind Woman in Beige Shirt"
Anna Tarazevich "A Woman Meditating at the Beach"
Andrea Mosti "Close Up of Woman's Feet With Pink Toenails on Glittering Background"


  1. I must say, I really enjoyed the post Bea. I find I must break away from social and news media, or else I become negative-minded as well.

    I’m sitting out on the deck now with a cup of tea, and reading a gripping novel. Thank you for helping to keep me centered.

  2. Great post Bea- at this point.’a my ADHD brain is so locked in to overstimulation, not sure I can stop - but you are 100%. Correct- maybe- one day- Sherri

  3. "Treading water" is the perfect description, isn't it? I find myself constantly on tenterhooks these days (my first time to use that term) and am wearing down because of it.


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