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Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Dragon Amulet~ Sherri Easley


From as early as I can remember, I wanted to write a book. I bought the “how to” books and read them and even wrote several stories, but I didn’t know what to do once they were on paper. Even in college, I wanted to write but got the degree in Math instead, which was much easier for me. It wasn’t until years later that my friend Caroline showed me how that I finally published my first novel, something I wish I had done twenty years earlier.  

This summer, my granddaughter, Dylan, age 8, decided she wanted to write a book. You can’t imagine my excitement as I worked with her, showing her some tricks I had learned. I thought this would be a novelty and her interest would wane but to my amazement; she caught on to concepts like opening scenes and flaws that will challenge her characters during their adventures.

After two months, she had taught herself to type on the family desktop and had outlined three books. She drew her characters on paper and put notes on them so she could remember as she wrote.

Her first book will be: Harper Joy: Legend of the Dragon Amulet.

The book is about a young girl staying with her Japanese grandmother, Obasan, for the summer. While she is there, she finds half of a magic dragon amulet. The rest of the book is filled with her making new friends as she looks for the remaining half of the amulet, and about the magic the amulet holds.

Here is an unedited excerpt from her book. 

”But then Snooky ran away, the three girls chased Snooky, and then finally Harper caught her!

But when she got her, they were lost.

“Uh, where are we?” asked Mich.

“I don’t know,” said Harper.

The girls looked around but then three dragons flew in and caged them up. One of the dragons was big and had green blue on her wings and the second was purple and teal, and the smallest was pink and red. Mich and the smallest dragon were playing together while Ana was complaining and pouting.

Harper’s amulet was glowing, so she held it in her hand and then suddenly she knew exactly what they were saying.

Wow they are actually speaking! Harper yelled.”  



Since we are going to publish this for her, I will help her edit her work and write in notes of where she needs to add details. So far, she has followed my instructions very well. 

It has been fun getting to see her excitement as she diligently works on her books and creates her characters and story. She has an amazing imagination and an incredible grasp of concepts. I can’t wait to see how this turns out. Stay tuned!


  1. Replies
    1. I wish you could see how excited she is! She has been writing her little heart out all summer.

  2. What a wonderful grandmother you are, and how nice for your imaginative grand daughter. You may be teaching the next science fiction fantasy superstar.

    1. Honestly I am blown away by her imagination and her attention span. Maybe that is my purpose- not be be a bestselling author but to teach one? ;)

    2. How about doing both? Good luck to both of you.


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