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Saturday, January 22, 2022


 by Rain Trueax

 2021 was a tough year for me and from what I can tell, 2022 is heading down the same road. We are still trying to maintain two properties and using a vacation trailer to travel between them. It might sound like fun, but it's not. It's trying to satisfy too many things. I have been thinking a lot about how to make my life better, even discussed anxiety with the doctor in September when I had my physical. He gave me a prescription to try (I call it fairy dust) but so far can't see that it's done much. So I am making some physical changes and one is to discontinue being in this blog.

There are multiple reasons to do that but mostly it's because I don't feel I have much if anything to offer here, certainly nothing positive. I am not writing romances right now (hope to eventually) but with our transit issues, it just hasn't worked for a year. It's not a writing block but a lack of feeling I have anything to offer that wouldn't repeat what I'd done.

To add to the writing, I've had issues with low blood sugar-- something I never expected to have but when my blood sugar dips, my energy is gone and in ways I never expected. To prevent that, I have to eat differently (that in addition to the nightshade problem). 

I turned 78 in '21 but that was okay with me. I don't have a fixation on hiding my age or wanting to be younger. I just want to do the best I can with where I am and would love to get rid of my high anxiety levels. Time will tell on that.

So I wish the readers and writers here all the best. It's good that some of you still have things to share. Maybe I will again one day. I do have a blog and it's suffering too with my issues. It's not like I want to write about all that is wrong. Photo below is from before we took down the artificial Christmas tree on Epiphany. I really enjoyed it and that next year it'll be back.


  1. I hope you find your place soon, the one where writing makes you happy. I enjoy keeping up with you and hope you'll stay. Be safe and find joy.

  2. I think most of us are suffering from Pandemic fatigue and certainly understand the frustration of moving between two places. I am a nesting person myself and need the stability of home. I hope you find your mojo soon and get back to being you. <3

  3. The last two years has been tough on everyone. And this year doesn't look much better with the new Covid variant. I finally go some of my mojo back and I'm working on a new book--but slowly. I understand your situation and hope it gets better. Take care and be well.

  4. Last year was the worst we've experienced. I hope 2022 is better for each of us!

  5. Thanks everyone. Our situation at the farm made it all worse with our son off and on wishing we weren't there even though there was work to be done. I cried more tears than I ever do over it. Fortunately, my husband handled it better. Knowing we have to go back is making it tough...


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