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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Wine and Words by Liz Flaherty

I sold my first book in 1998. Alway Annie made its Precious Gems debut in 1999. There have been 20 since then, along with some novellas. While I don't often chase down book signings, I do a few of them every year. Sometimes they're hearteningly successful and sometimes they're...not. Sometimes I spend more money at the venue than I make from book sales. 

And sometimes they're just fun. My friend Nan Reinhardt and I had one of those this weekend. We sat in Whyte Horse Winery for several hours and didn't sell many books. We did drink some good wine, eat some good pizza, and talk to people. 
Nan Reinhardt and Liz Flaherty

The talking to people is what makes me happy. It reminds me that most people are nice, that we're more alike than we are different, that family businesses are special in a way I can't define, that the world--at least in central Indiana--is small indeed. Conversations were cluttered with the words "do you know..." and "that is so exciting." Because other people's good news is even better when it's shared.

I was reminded, as I have to be quite often, that just for fun is a good enough reason for anything you choose to do that doesn't hurt anyone else. Your bottom line isn't anyone else's business. Your friends and family aren't going to love you less on a day you sell three books than on a day you sell three dozen. You'll have those conversations to keep in your memory bank. 

Now I am reminded, once again, that while writing on life's downhill slope is different than it was on the other side, it's still just as much fun. And that's all the reason I need to keep doing it. 


  1. Nice post. Yes, despite the terrific sales or the not-so-great sales, it still is fun to get out and meet people. I'm doing an outdoor arts and crafts fair here in PA on Sunday. Hoping for good weather and lots of visitors.

    1. Oh, I hope so! I'm doing one of those in November. I look forward to it, but always kind of worry, too.

  2. I remember book signings. Once I attended several and did several at book stores. They were fun and a great way to chat with readers. Hope you have a good turn out, Liz.

    1. They are least group ones are. If you're on your own and it's not a great one, not so much. But we've all learned by now about making lemonade, haven't we? :-)

  3. Sure was a fun day! Whyte Horse is always a treat and so is being there with you and Mo!

  4. I'm glad you both had fun even if you didn't sell a boat load of books. I'm sure it was more fun because you and Nan did it together. It's always more fun with two!

    1. Thanks, Jana. It was a ton of fun! You're right--much better with at least two!


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