My apologies for posting this mid-morning. I'm just tired. *LOL*
We're at our house in the country because the 4 Methley plum trees are ready to pick.
A Methley plum is the size of crabapples and are a deep crimson on the inside. Sweet? OMG, they should be named sugar plums.
We started yesterday and will finish today—I hope because I'm really tired.
Funny how many muscles are used in picking fruit that aren't normally used in day to day activity.
Even though we're tired from yesterday's fruit picking, we went walking down the country lanes this morning.
We left at 7:15, and the air was crisp and smelled so fresh and clean. No noise of morning rush hour traffic intruded. We heard only doves cooing and song birds tuning up.
We walked down the hill from our house and took a couple of lanes that basically made a big loop around our place.
A slight breeze kept us company as we walked through the quiet countryside.
All the wildflowers that begin in mid-spring and continue until fall are blooming.
Indian blankets, wild pink phlox, black-eyed Susans, and evening primrose all grow together in the fields around our house, creating a landscape that's breathtaking.
Even the tall stalks of the bull nettles are pretty as long as you don't touch the thorny things.
Our morning walk worked out the stiffness in our muscles so we're going back outside to finish harvesting the plums as soon as I get this uploaded. I should say we'll finish what's ripe. There are stilll green plums on the trees. Another 2 weeks will see them ripened, and we'll again be picking plums.
This may sound like a lot of work to you, but there's something relaxing and soul-fulfilling in gardening and backyard orcharding.
That alone makes the "work" worthwhile. Then there is the taste of something grown in your home garden and/or orchard. Incredibly delicious!
I've never found anything superior or even as good in the produce section of a supermarket—no matter how upscale that might be.
We just received a call from the collision center that has been repairing our Explorer after it was rear-ended by a Ram pickup on the freeway almost a month ago. It should be ready to be delivered tomorrow.
We found out that the driver of the truck had no license. The truck he was driving did not belong to him. The insurance information he provided to the police and to us was apparently non-existent or faked. It seems to me the police should be doing something about this.
Of course, that means our insurance for uninsured motorists covered our repairs.
Since I've been seeing a lot of online "news" about auto insurance hikes, I wonder if our rate will go up because of our company having to shell out big bucks for repairing our vehicle?
We were lucky since we escaped without injuries. I think our 2016 Ford Explorer was built really well.
The whole thing could have been much worse. When the truck that hits us "flew" up in the air, it could have crashed down on top of us instead of beside us. I feel blessed.
By the way, several of my books are available "wide" now at most ebook retailers. If you're interested, check out
Books2Read-JoanReeves. The books that are available will be clickable. Eventually all will be available there.
Enjoy this beautiful May!
Joan Reeves — https:/

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From plums to car crashes to walks in the springtime, your life is not boring, Joan! I assume you make plum preserves, too?
ReplyDeleteI used to make plum jelly, and my family loved it! Makes me think I should do that again. The walk sounds lovely.