by Stephanie Suesan Smith In for Bea Tifton
Don't you hate it when an author you love puts out a new book and you read it all in one day? I love the J.D. Robb books, and this happens to me every February and November. Bonded in Death, the 60th book in this series, came out in February. Even though I tried to read it slowly, the book was gone overnight (literally; I stayed up reading it way past my bedtime). Even though I consider the In Death books romances, they are a little gory for a lot of romance fans. Of course, J.D. Robb is really a pseudonym for Nora Roberts.
Ms. Roberts writes fast but is now wealthy enough that she puts out four books a year. Two In Death books, one standalone book, and one book in her current series. She published Inheritance in November, 2023.
The next book didn't come out for a whole year. It came out in November, 2024.
The final book comes out in November, 2025. I have learned from experience to reread the first two books in the trilogy before reading the last one. Okay, so maybe a week's worth of reading this time. I guess I should be grateful that Ms. Roberts delivers a new book every quarter between the two names she publishes under, but I wish she put out more books a year. She used to when she was younger and hungrier, but now she has the luxury of working less.
In between Ms. Roberts' books, I mostly read nonfiction books. I will read anything but horror (I have enough nightmares, thank you very much). Occasionally, I will stumble on a nice series that has multiple books out, and I binge-read them.
How do you handle the space between the publication of books by your favorite author? How do you find new authors to read?
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