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Monday, January 6, 2025

Mistress of DOOM~ Sherri Easley


I am the mistress of DOOM. There I said it. No, it has nothing to do with horror stories, per se. It honestly has to do with the many piles of stuff all over my house.

Fabric, yarn, boxes (nothing like a good box), purses cut out, purses I want to cut out, new notebooks I started, new notebooks I haven’t started, mail, clean clothes, clothes to mend… get the picture?

I recently learned that all those piles that we with ADHD make have a name. They are called DOOM piles.

"Didn’t Organize, Only Moved". 

I am going to use that pile. I am going to finish what was started. It is organized- at least for me. Leave it alone- I know where it is.

If you google search the term, there’s a lot of advice on how to master your DOOM piles, but I will get to mine… eventually. I really don't need an intervention. 

Anyone else guilty of creating DOOM (piles)?

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