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Friday, December 6, 2024

The New Matlock- Sherri Easley

Between my ADHD and my many craft and writing projects, I don’t have much time to watch television. Occasionally, when I am worn out or tired, which has been more since I broke my arm, I have indulged a bit more.  

One of my new favorite shows is the New Matlock- starring Kathy Bates. Ms Bates is an exceptional actress who portrays retired lawyer Madeline Kingston returns to practice seeking justice for the death of her daughter Ellie in the opioid epidemic.

Kingston gets a job, using the alias of needy widow Matty Matlock, at the law firm she believes hid evidence that could have saved her daughter's life. To gain the firm's trust, she must first apply her intellect to help her colleagues with other challenging cases. In true historical Matlock form, cases magically seem to solve themselves.

The elderly attorney is cheered on by her grandson she is now raising and her husband as she seeks a mother’s revenge.

The best part of the show is that Bates uses the fact in life that many women become invisible as they age. In addition, she is wicked smart and always one step ahead of all the cast. Most of all, she uses her grandmotherly southern charm to get her way.

The genius of the show is that many of us women of a certain age feel invisible. I know I often do but now we can follow the premise of the show to use Bate’s wily tactics to our advantage.

If you have time to watch TV over the holidays, check out Matlock. 


  1. I love Matlock. While you're watching, get a look at A Man On the Inside. It's Ted Danson, and it is honest about aging and being aged and still funny! (Also sad, but that's the way it is.) I love it, too.

    1. Thanks, Liiz. I'll be sure to check out A Man Om The Inside.

    2. Wow! I will have to check that out!! Thanks!

  2. I like Kathy Bates and liked the original Matlock. I don't usually watch TV. When I do, I often embroder at the same time.

  3. I love Kathy Bates. Thank you for giving us the heads up abpit the show. We usually watch streaming and I don't even know what's on the networks. Hope you're feeling better!

  4. Yes, I am watching on streaming too- I am getting back to normal- LOL what ever my normal is ;)


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