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Friday, April 26, 2024

Middle of the Night Ideas by Laura Hunsaker

 I got up in the middle of the night and had the best idea. No, you don't understand. It was the BEST idea! It was so good I literally woke up in the middle of the night to write it down. Luckily I have some Post-Its on my nightstand, so I am thrilled to let you guys see a sneak peek of my next brilliant idea!

Are you ready?

Am I amazing, or am I amazing?

Seriously, what was I thinking? Other than the words wedding DJ, and I do remember underlining a word, I got nothing.

Soo, that got me to thinking. Have you ever done this to yourself? And if you have, did you ever remember what your idea was? I have no clue where I was going with this "brilliant idea" of mine. I will say that I have a new wedding short story coming out soon that does have a DJ mishap, so maybe my brain was trying to help with that scene? I can't even pretend to know what I was thinking.

In the meantime, that wedding short is a fun bonus about my first Fatal Instincts characters Kate and Kyle. Sign up for newsletter here if you want to be the first to have access to the story! And check out Dark Past, the book where it all begins!

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Some secrets won't stay quiet...

The small town was supposed to be safe...

Kate Landry is tired of running. Thinking she's safe, she settles in the small logging town of Chester, California to manage a cafe. She may be keeping a low profile, but she's hoping to return to a normal life.
When FBI agent Kyle Donovan visits to Chester to stay with a friend, and to recover from his latest case, he never expects to meet sexy barista Kate.

But someone is following Kate...

Kyle worries he brought trouble to her door, while Kate worries her dark past is coming after her.
With danger lurking around every corner, her safe haven isn't as safe as she'd thought. Kate will finally have to trust someone enough to tell him her secrets. Secrets that may just get them killed...


  1. I love the note! I may have written its twin at some point.

    1. Haha! The best thing about our writing community is that I'm not alone!


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