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Thursday, May 2, 2024


 By Caroline Clemmons

Recent spring rains have made our area green and pleasant. Our roses appear to appreciate the rain, too. 

Roses cut for the living room

Fortunately, there was a break in the rain here for our friends Jacquie and Mark Rogers visit. That is, it was not pouring here, but they about washed away driving in to Fort Worth. They were pulling their little Casita and that slowed them more. Thankfully, they arrived safely! We always enjoy seeing them. They feel like family, the good kind.

Then the rains returned. Don’t you love to curl up with a good book on a rainy day? Any day is a great day to read, of course, but there’s something about a rainy day that increases my urge to read. Bad when I’m supposed to be writing, but writers are also readers.

What are you reading? We have a wonderful group of writers here at Smart Girls Read Romance (Smart guys read romance, too)! I hope you’re reading the books offered by our writers.

Ahem, my latest is KEITH AND THE MAIL ORDER BRIDE, book 5 of the Texas Hill Country Mail Order Brides Series. 

Here’s the blurb:

Elliana Barrington is sent to escape before a deranged cousin learns the terms of their grandmother’s will. So, it’s arranged that Elliana is to marry a man in Texas, who hopefully can protect her. Elliana is kind and generous and willing to share her legacy with her crazed cousin. Knowing Elliana’s nature and the cousin’s greed, her grandmother devises an unbreakable will which is specific—if Elliana attempts to share funds with her cousin, everything they each inherited will be forfeited to charity.

After escaping a difficult situation, Keith Martin created a new life as the banker of Harrigan Springs, Texas. He’s won the respect of the community and has made many good friends. After buying a house, he sends for a mail order bride. What a surprised to receive a letter from a young woman’s attorney, complete with a contract. Although not sure he’s doing the right thing, Keith agrees to marry the woman and fulfill the contract’s conditions. He expects a shy, overprotected bride—but he’s in for a surprise!

Fate has troubles in store for Elliana and Keith, threats that involve everyone in their household. They strive to protect themselves and the three orphans they’ve adopted. But, how can they reason with her crazed cousin? How can this couple overcome their complex circumstances to build a happy life together?

 Keep reading!


  1. This book sound sooo good! And your roses are beautiful. Always good to see you here.

  2. Your roses are so fragrant, too. It was soooo great to see you! I wish we didn't live so far apart. Thanks for the wonderful hospitality, and we're hoping to get down to Texas again next spring!

  3. Can't wait to read this one! The cover is great!


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