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Sunday, December 10, 2023

The Christmas Trifecta by Bea Tifton

 I can still recall it vividly. That distinctive music and the rotating logo coming to rest on the screen of our large box TV set. The thrill as I waited. Then, the word rights itself on the screen. “Special.” And then something that only came on once a year would begin. For as long as I can remember, I’ve watched the trifecta of Christmas specials, “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer,” “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” and “The Charlie Brown Christmas Special.” They’ve been around longer than I have. I’m an adult now and they’re ostensibly children’s programs. And I still love them.

Rudolph is such a sweet story with just the right balance of scary, sad, funny, and happy. I heard a group of disc jockeys discussing the special, making insensitive jokes, and it was obvious they completely missed the lesson of accepting people who are different. Still very pertinent. We as a society still need to work on that. Burl Ives is a classic himself, and I love all the music, but my favorite is the song “There’s Always Tomorrow.”

Dr. Seuss was an amazing talent. When I was a teacher we celebrated his birthday each year on March 2. The Grinch, the original cartoon and not that awful live action remake, is my favorite of all his works. This year, I watched it from network television with my parents and we were all glued to the screen. Such charming illustrations and such a nice message.

Charlie Brown is a national icon, and his Christmas special is my favorite of the series. I have a little Charlie Brown Christmas tree in my study.  I wasn’t happy when a subscription streaming company bought all the Peanuts programs and made them inaccessible to so many. You know who I mean. But I l manage to watch it each year on the “Everyone Can Watch This Program for One Day” event. I confess, when Linus makes his speech about the true meaning of Christmas? I still get a little lump in my throat.

I have a small replica of the Charlie Brown Christmas tree in my study. Bent over by the one ornament and swaddled in Linus’ distinctive blue blanket, all it needs is a little love. And isn’t that true of us all?

Merry Christmas, Dear Reader. 


Photo  Credits:
Wikimedia Commons: Evert F. Baumgarner "Family Watching Television 1958"
Somet Korkmaz "Reindeer and Red Bauble Hanging on Christmas Tree"
Brigitte Tohm "Low Section of Woman"
Frank Cone "Bright Moon on Dark Sky"
Monstera Productions "Biscuit with Merry Christmas on Spruce Sprigs"



  1. Lovely post, Bea. I enjoy those same cartoons. Our family also watches several movies each year: Miracle on 34th Street (I always wanted to look like Maureen O'Hara does in that movie. Sigh), Christmas in Connecticut, and The Christmas Story (He does almost ruin his eye). Even though we've seen them many times, they're part of Christmas for us.

    1. Traditions like that help make Christmas special,

  2. Merry Christmas, Bea. I like the cartoons, too, and am watching old movies almost daily. Last night, we watched The Man Who Invented Christmas. I liked it a lot!

    1. Yes, it's a great time for movies as well. Merry Christmas, Liz.

  3. Replies
    1. I hope you enjoy watching them again this year.


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