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Saturday, December 2, 2023


By Caroline Clemmons

Is it just me, or does this time of year excite everyone? I suppose I’ve never gotten over a childhood anticipation of the Christmas season. Do you feel the magic in the air?

I no longer venture into department stores on Black Friday, but I have in the past. In fact our youngest daughter and I used to wait in line until a store opened and then weaved our way through the crowd to obtain the bargain we sought. But the season is more than snapping up bargains! For Christians, it's a time to celebrate the birth of Christ--even though we have no idea of the real day of his birth. I'm embarrassed to say I don't know what the season represents for all the other religions, except for those who are Jewish.

But that's not the point. Don’t you find people kinder and friendlier at this time of year? To me, it seems people of all religions are even nicer during the holiday season. No matter the religion, there are holidays from the middle of November through the middle of January. Don’t be offended if someone offers “Happy Holidays.” That’s a phrase to celebrate with everyone. 

The twelve days of Christmas begin on December 25th through January 6th.

We always plan to have decorations up and ready to turn on the day after Thanksgiving. Seldom do we manage that goal. Currently, we’re decorating the inside of our house. The outside lights and figures went up yesterday. Each year we add to our decorations, even though we have quite a few—a couple of wire reindeer, an angel, a small Merry Christmas sign, a wreath on the door, lights along the eaves, and a nutcracker/soldier by the front door. 

Last year, someone stole our lighted candy canes. I suspect it was kids on a dare. The theft didn’t dampen my spirit for the season, but it made me sad for the thieves. This year, Hero bought more candy canes. We’re hoping the thieves don’t return.

Our youngest daughter is as much a fan of decorating as I am, so we should have every surface covered. LOL We find magic in the air during this season, which is my favorite time of the year.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays. Wishing you the best this year and in those to come, and that your heart is filled with magic.



  1. I posted a comment and then lost it! However, I just put it on the wrong post! Older is sometimes just...older. Anyway, I'm right there with you on the magic. My girls and I still go shopping on Black Friday, but I think it's become more of a chance to watch people and enjoy a long lunch!

  2. I still love Christmas but it is not the same without kids in the house.


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