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Thursday, October 26, 2023

My Favorite Way to Spend a Fall Day by Laura Hunsaker

 I love Fall. I'm a Summer girl at heart, but there's just something about the crisp air, the heat cooling down, and the chance to relax outside (It's just hit the 80s where I am, so this is gorgeous weather!) One thing about Fall is that it makes me want blankets. Like, all the blankets. I want to sip hot coffee surrounded by a nest of blankets and read a book. This image says it better than I can:

And every night this week I've done exactly what I want: I've read a book in my cozy blanket nest and loved every minute of it. With Summer, and the sun being up so late, my kids being on Summer time, school being out, I feel like it's harder to find time to read.

With Fall, and the weather, and the pumpkin spice everything, I just want to read. And for you, and your next book to add to your TBR, I'm so excited to share Dangerous Past with you!

As of now the book is up on Netgalley, and up for pre-order on Smashwords, but the release date is set for November 21, 2023 and this is the one guys. This is the book you'll want in your own blanket nest on a crisp Fall night. 

Share your favorite thing about Fall with me in the comments! Is it apple picking? Or is it cozy nights with a good book? Let me know!

Dangerous Past

A one night stand with an FBI agent puts Lark in the cross hairs of an investigation into a serial killer. Is she the victim? Or is she the killer...

She’s running from her past… 
Lark Seawell is the daughter of a serial killer. His reputation has long been a shadow looming over her since his arrest when she was a child. Especially since she’s the one who called the police. She has spent her entire life trying to live as anonymously and quietly as possible. She is not her father’s legacy. 

He wants to be her future... 
FBI agent Jay Sutherland is visiting a friend in a small mountain town when free spirit Lark asks for help with her injured dog. He is instantly enamored with her, and their one night stand stays with him far into the next morning, though Lark is long gone. When his partner realizes that she is the daughter of The Highwayman, Jay refuses to believe Lark is anything like her father. 

What happens when she stops running… 
When a trail of dead bodies follows Lark on her cross-country drive, the FBI believes she’s the killer. How can the sweet woman who rescues injured animals and makes him feel things he hasn’t felt in years be a murderer? The bodies don’t lie. Jay knows there’s more at play. If he’s wrong, and Lark is as much a monster as her father, he may be the next target… 

*Author's Note: This book contains a sunshiney heroine, a gruff hero, a couple of goofy dogs, some intense action, and begins when a one night stand leads to more…


  1. The guy on the cover reminds me of Colin Lawrence, who plays Preacher on Virgin River. I just want to look at him.


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