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Thursday, March 23, 2023


 by Judy Ann Davis

Stressed and anxious? Join the club. I’ve spoken with many writers about feeling stressed or anxious while doing the thing they love the most—writing.

Sometimes I feel like I jumped on a merry-go-round that doesn’t stop to let the riders hop off. And, if you’re holding down another job, or involved in any other family- or community-related activities, the anxiety only grows.         

So where did we go off the rails? Name your spot. First, as writers, we never stop thinking about writing. We agonize over the small details and the development of characters, setting, and plot as we labor over a current unfinished work. And, as we move long this fickle journey, a little voice in our head inevitably pops up to remind us not to forget to advertise and interact on social media. So, off we go to tweet, blog, and post on Facebook and Instagram and other sites.

I’m currently in the process of selling our condo where we winter in Florida. Every drawer, every closet, every storage space has to be cleaned and emptied. Belongings, what I call stuff,  need to be removed, packed, given or thrown away. Moving is tiring on the body and the mind. It’s especially unnerving when you have to keep every room neat and tidy in the process as realtors show your condo to potential buyers.

So how can a person de-stress? Through self-care. We need to take time for ourselves, be kind to ourselves. I discovered that doing one small thing allows me to rejuvenate myself. I take time to listen to music, read a chapter in a book, call a friend, or grab a piece of chocolate and savor it, to name a few. It allows me not only to revitalize myself, but also to embrace the joy of the moment. Finally, it reaffirms my life’s mantra: Never let anyone (or in this case anything) steal your joy.”    

 Wishing all an early Happy Easter with lots and lots of chocolate!  

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  1. I love your Mantra of not letting anyone steal your joy. Unfortunately, I didn't come to understand this until later in life. Good Luck with the sale of your Condo!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Actually, it took me later in life to learn it from a wonderful upbeat person who always saw the glass as full--not half full or half-empty. :)

  2. Good thoughts. Remembering to take time for self is so important!


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