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Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Step into My Memorial Garden

 March has been whacked out crazy weatherwise but today is springtime lovely. I ventured into the early morning garden to tour around and take some pictures. Tomorrow I've got weeding to do. Many hardy weeds overwintered quite happily. So far, most of the roses look good. I've lost few plants this winter, I'm pleased to report. My greenhouse is stuffed full and I have lots more seeds to start. This year in the garden, all shall be glorious.

“God’s in His heaven—
All’s right with the world!”  Robert Browning

O Spring! can I believe you,
With the score of times you've lied?
~V. A. R., "The Return of Spring," Poems, 1867

 Entry to my Memorial Garden.

Crocus are so cheery. I love them and this purple and whitte striped Pickwick crocus is my favorite. 


'Tis the time of daffodils. The scent of daffodils is the essence of spring.

(These two images are of miniature daffodils)

I've planted hyacinths everywhere. Their fragrance is Divine.

"In Spring, everything is full of promise..."

And anything is possible. 


  1. Lovely idea and lovely pictures. Happy Spring.

  2. Spring sprung into Central Pennsylvania both wet and weedy. But it's such a joy to see the daffodils and crocus! Wonderful pictures. Thanks.

    1. Thanks So much. I’m delighted to see my old friends return.

  3. I know you must be happy to be outside with your beautiful spring flowers Beth! Thanks for sharing their beauty.

  4. Replies
    1. I enjoy taking pictures and thanks.


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