OMG it is summer...again!
Carolyn Hector
I thought as the kids got older, summertime would become easier. It is only the 6th day of summer so let's wait and see. Right now I have one high school graduate (hallelujah)
who is moving out (again..hallelujah).
I have four boys left in the house and of the four, one is a driver... which is a godsend for the 1:00 pickup from the school-camp to the basketball camp. The month of June is taken care of. I fear for July lol. Well... two will start football practice... maybe three. The 4th one..well... I'm just not sure what to do with him. Boys ages 14, 15, 16, and almost 17 are not really the arts & crafts kinda kids.Gone are the days of getting them to behave with the build up of anticipation to do a fun crafty thing.. remember the soda-Mentos explosion.
They fell for the trick of cleaning their rooms and being good all day long just for a few seconds of ooooohhh wow as the mentos bubbled and fizzed until it exploded.
Now I glance through every activity with a nope nope nope.. 'cause it's either going to be a big clean-up for me, something to hurt my feet or damage my vacuum, too young...
or it is a project that lets them work with fire. NOT!
I can hear it now... "it was an accident"... and me having to explain to the fire department that I was trying to let them do a summer activity.
Oh but hey! #PlotBunny Meet Cute for a book (the fireman and the single mom).
They're more like the PS4 ones-and I try to be a practicing anti-gamer.
We've tried the read for an hour-play for an hour but we realized the boys weren't really reading--as in...
they couldn't tell me a damn thing about the book!
I still have one kiddo who has yet to finish the book he had over Christmas break.
I just don't get it, because I LOVE reading!
There are 9 weeks 3 days and some odd hours until the first day of school. I can make it.
I've got a book due in August so I'm going to buckle down starting now because I have a busy July. Wish me luck.
June 6th is also WWII D-Day Invasion. I have two friends working on WWII women's fiction novels and I cannot wait to see them on the shelves. I've been dying to research more on my historic Frenchtown neighborhood where I live,...but you know how it is...deadlines! As always when on a deadline.. other things catch my eyes.
Stormy Weather has me rethinking my timeline for my WIP.
My TBR pile is towering over me!

Before I go, let me remind you that in just a few weeks you can purchase the 7th installment of the Once Upon a Tiara series.
You guys enjoy your summer. I'll check in with you in a month!
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