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Tuesday, January 16, 2024

New Year Means New Energy by Joan Reeves

I welcomed 2024 with open arms because it wasn't a very good year for me.

I've always had this feeling that a new year meant new energy and another chance to make one's dreams come true.

Despite the freezing weather outside, I'm content writing a new book, finishing my latest Kindle Vella, and working on my plans to make this year awesome.


I'm giving away one (1) $10 Amazon Gift Card. There are several ways to enter, and you can enter often so click here to enter my January Rafflecopter.


I'm so behind on so many projects—personal and writing—that I'm trying to up my game with a process I saw in a YouTube video.

Each day I make a list of 8 Critical Things I Must Do. With so many things that require my attention, knowing I'm only asking myself to do 8 kind of keeps me from being overwhelmed.

I've been working this Critical 8 for about a week. I don't know if I'm slow or the 8 things I try to do each day just require too much time, but I have yet to cross off all 8 tasks.

In the last few years, I'd utilized the 1,3,5 Method. That worked well for me until I fell a year behind due to family illness and my own illness. Hence trying the Critical 8. I'll keep working on it and let you know next month if I'm staying with it.

Have you tried something new like that for 2024? If so, leave a comment and tell me your process. 


I'm also giving away 1 ebook copy of Brianna's Season for Miracles

This small town romance is currently in Kindle Unlimited, but I think I'm removing it from KU and publishing it "wide" next week.

Now's your chance to get a free copy of a novel described as a heartwarming journey of self-discovery.

To be entered in the random drawing for this prize,  leave a comment about this post along with your email address written out, not as a hot link.

Drawing closes Jan. 23, 2024. Winner chosen by random draw and notified within 48 hours of closing.


I've been reading in different genres these last few months. I wondered if you readers also have been trying new types of books. If so, leave a comment and tell us what genre is attracting your attention.

If you're an author and a reader, are you dipping your toes into the waters of other genres? Let us know in comments please.

Good luck with your 2024 Journey!


  1. I have seldom started a new year as deeply into disconnect as I have this year. I really like the list idea. I've never been good at them, but maybe it's time. Have a great one, Joan!

    1. Thanks, Liz. I think I spent all last year in disconnect. LOL.

  2. On my blog, "A Writer's Resolutions," that I posted this year for January, I'm NOT making any resolutions. I'm tired of "having to do it all," especially as we writers all believe we should. I feel there's always "one more thing," we could be doing--along with keeping our homes as well. This year, I promised myself--"I'm getting off the hamster writing wheel." And then I read an article about AI flooding the children's market with books, and I sigh. Are we next? Will we soon need to work even harder to compete for readers in the market place?

  3. With all of the derivative super hero movies, I'm beginning to wonder if they're being written with AI. Personally, I agree with the late Stephen Hawking and think AI is the biggest threat to mankind—in every way possible.



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