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Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Embracing My Adult ADHD: The Pros and Cons~ Sherri Easley


With the increasing popularity of social media education articles, more and more of us are beginning to understand that those weird, quirky behaviors we have had since childhood are really symptoms of ADHD. I am guessing because most of you are writers; I am not alone.

When I first heard of ADHD, I was doing my student teaching classes toward a minor in education and encountered a child who could not sit still and fidgeted constantly. I honestly never related my constant foot movement or struggle to sit through a movie as the same, but now, I have to reconsider.

While adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is often associated with challenges and difficulties, it can also be a source of unique strengths and abilities. I have always felt like most of my quirkiness was a superpower that has served me well in life, and especially in my career.

One of the remarkable aspects of adult ADHD is the innate creativity and ability to think outside the box. Individuals with ADHD often possess a divergent thinking style, which enables them to generate original ideas and make unconventional connections between concepts. This creative prowess can be a valuable asset, however, more often than not, it takes a while for the rest of the team to come to the same conclusion. The downside of this is I often grow bored while they are still brainstorming for answers.

While difficulties with attention and focus are common for adults with ADHD, they also experience episodes of hyperfocus—a state of intense concentration on a particular task or topic. When individuals with ADHD find something that truly captivates their interest, they can become laser-focused and exhibit exceptional productivity. This hyperfocus allows them to delve deep into their passions and achieve remarkable results.

The con on this aspect for me is that I have a sublimation printer over a year old, still in the box, and a very expensive embroidery machine in my garage that I bought at Christmas, that has yet to be turned on. I embrace every new hobby and over indulge in supplies, just to grow bored and move on.

Does it shock anyone that I also have more than 20 book covers, most with stories outlined for them?

ADHD fosters a fast-paced cognitive processing style, enabling individuals to think quickly on their feet and adapt to changing situations. They excel in dynamic environments that require quick decision-making and the ability to multitask. This ability allows me to remain calm while others are stressed about the job.

The frustrating part of this one is that I can’t do a singular task. This is part of the reason I listen to an average of 12 audible books a month. I listen when I clean, or drive, or do crafts. Focusing on a singular task is near impossible for me. I must have music, or something else happening simultaneously.  

ADHD often accompanies high levels of energy and enthusiasm. Individuals with ADHD possess a contagious zest for life, which can inspire and motivate those around them. Their infectious enthusiasm can be harnessed to drive creativity, boost team morale, and inject vitality into collaborative endeavors.

The downside to this is when I can’t see a solution to a problem or challenge, I can easily shutdown until I process how to move forward. I used to think this was depression, but it is different, at least for me. It is more like my brain is in hour-glass mode like on my computer, while it is processing.

So, in conclusion, for those of you who are round pegs constantly trying to fit in that square hole of normality, you are not alone. Embrace that incredible neurodivergent brain and celebrate your superpowers.

Meanwhile, anyone want to do a craft swap on excess supplies?


  1. This explanation is amazing. Just as I thought maybe I had every disorder I ever read about in an effort to diagnose myself, I also wonder if I have adult ADHD. So much of it fits...and yet... Either way, this was so interesting, and explains so much. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for reading! I have always felt one step out of sync my whole life but after reading up on this, I don't feel so alone and better understand, I am just different.

  2. You are definitely a dynamo with talent to spare. I never thought of the hour glass theory, but that explains a lot. This is an interesting post. Right now, I think I have the opposite of ADHD, which in our family we call "being hit with a stupid-stick" or being "stupified." ;)

    1. You are my hero- and the only thing wrong with you these days is you are probably exhausted from dealing with life and all those amazing books you have been cranking out for the last few years. Be kind to yourself- you deserve it.


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