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Saturday, April 2, 2022

WHEN I GROW UP--- by Caroline Clemmons

When you were six, what did you plan for your future? Is it anything like the reality?

When I was six, I wanted to ride the range with Roy Rogers. I’d have a horse as pretty and as smart as Trigger so I could ride side-by-side with Roy while we rounded up all the rustlers and bank robbers in the West. As I grew up, Roy would magically remain the same age so we could marry. In my six-year-old mind, I thought he was probably really old, like maybe 25.

Roy Rogers 
King of the Cowboys

I was crushed when I learned Roy had long since married Dale Evans. She stole my man! I remained an avid fan of Roy, even if he loved Dale. 

by Dale Evans Rogers

Later, I learned Dale was a lovely woman filled with compassion for others. I read one of her books, Time Out, Ladies!, and used it as a devotional. I read Angel Unaware, but it was too heartbreaking to read a second time. Spoiler alert: I hate when books include a child’s death. Dale wrote many more books, but I  haven't read them. I do own an autobiography of Dale and Roy.

While I was still fascinated by Roy Rogers and cowboys, at age nine I discovered Nancy Drew books. Like many girls, I was hooked and wanted to read each book of the series. I dreamed of becoming Carolyn Keene, not realizing there was no such person. The Secret of the Old Clock was the first Nancy Drew book and is now available in a special 80th anniversary limited edition at a very precious price. I first read this book from the library. Now I own a copy—no, not the limited edition!

The 1st Nancy Drew book

I didn’t get to ride the range with Roy Rogers, but I did become a writer. I don’t write children’s or YA books. I write romance and mystery for anyone who loves the West. And, pardon the plug, I’ve released the first of my latest series, the Zoe Wilder Cozy Mystery Series. Book one is DEATH IN THE PERFECT HOUSE. This is a sweet, lighthearted cozy mystery with humor and romance. I can’t help putting mysteries in my romance novels or romance in my mystery novels. I hope you enjoy the type books I write. DEATH IN THE PERFECT HOUSE is available at

Book One

Book two, DEATH IN A GRAVE YARD, is on preorder for an April 29th release at

Book Two

The books are not Nancy Drew. Zoe Wilder soon has a guy, Caleb McBride, later Sheriff McBossy. In addition, she has a group of quirky friends to entertain you. At least, they entertained me as I wrote about them. If you haven't read book one, what are you waiting for? 

Stay safe and keep reading!



  1. I wanted to be a veterinarian. Alas, an allergy to fur derailed that one. I got a Ph.D. in psychology, which I mainly use to train my dogs. I found that I develop an immunity to my dogs in about three months as long as I keep them clean. Now I write on gardening, blogs, and psychology.

  2. Lovely post. Who wasn't a fan of Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Trigger and Bullet? And Nancy Drew mysteries seem to have been a staple in everyone's reading list as a child. Thanks for bringing up the memories. "Death in the Perfect House" sounds like a winner! Best of luck with your new release.

  3. Until Jo March, when I was about nine, I don't remember wanting to be anyone in books, although I think Roy was pretty popular. I loved your post.

  4. I was a little young, or maybe too far in the sticks for Roy Rogers, but I loved Nancy Drew and Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys. I wanted to be a doctor when I grew up, but I always wanted to be a writer. I wished I had started writing back when it first popped into my mind. But thanks to your help, it finally happened, better late than never.

  5. Caroline, I loved your post. I learned of Roy, Dale, and Nelly Belle the Jeep on Saturday morning television re-runs. Loved the whole gang. For better or worse, I think Nancy Drew and Jo March must be responsible for the ink-stained dreams of untold thousands of writers.


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