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Wednesday, April 6, 2022

I've Got Personality~Sherri Easley


As life happens sometimes, I am overwhelmed.

We are shorthanded at my day job, so I am working 10-12 hours a day (and occasionally more) plus a few hours on the weekend. Besides that, that unicorn I was looking for- my house in the country, turned out to be just as rare and elusive as the mythical one, and now that interest rates have gone back up, I will wait it out.

And when I was gung-ho on buying a house, I put most of my sewing room into storage. Now, I am bringing it back. Well, not exactly…

So, as my mind thinks:

“Oh, my sewing room is mostly empty. Now is a great time to paint it.”

Yes! I will paint it.

“Oh, and after you paint it, that would be a great time to put up those nice wide baseboards.”  

That is true- I will put up wide baseboard.

“Oh, and remember, that was the first flooring you laid, so maybe you should fix some of your shoddy work.”

Shoddy work?

“You know, around the entry to the closet?”

Ha, oh that, you noticed, did you…

So, for the last couple of weeks, I pulled out my power tools and painted my sewing room, fixed my floor and put up the wide base boards. It looks nice. It is going to be a really tight fit, though, to put everything back in that small room. While it was in storage, I bought more, including a new sewing machine.

In my spare time, I am taking a class on Access for work and a writing class, and I am still determined to finish this darn book. I am hoping this class will show me what is missing to give it that extra pizazz.

Does all of this sound crazy to you? This is how my brain is wired. I admit, sometimes, it is exhausting to be me. I am constantly working and thinking and trying to make me and my space better. 

According to my personality assessment, I am an Architect or (INTJ)

Per the personality website:

An Architect is a person with the Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging personality traits. These thoughtful tacticians love perfecting the details of life, applying creativity and rationality to everything they do. Their inner world is often a private, complex one.

It can be lonely at the top. As one of the rarest personality types – and one of the most capable – Architects (INTJs) know this all too well. Rational and quick-witted, Architects pride themselves on their ability to think for themselves, not to mention their uncanny knack for seeing right through phoniness and hypocrisy. But because their minds are never at rest, Architects may struggle to find people who can keep up with their nonstop analysis of everything around them.

Do you ever wonder why you do the things you do, or why you always want to go and visit. while your husband just wants to stay home in his shop?

Take the personality test and see. It is fun and you will find out a lot about yourself and those around you. You may even find out why you can’t stand “you know who”. is free and takes about 10 minutes. Be honest and don’t try to manipulate the test. There are no wrong or right answers—Just 16 personality types and you will fit into to one of them. I would love to hear your results.


  1. INFP-T Mediator. And it's downright creepy how accurate it is! I enjoyed your post and envy your getting things done--although maybe not your path to doing it. :-)

    1. You have a writer's personality! Creative! I have taken the test many times over the last 30 years and it never changes and I am always amazed at how accurate it fits me.

    2. also,4.4% of the population are INFP's ;)

  2. Great read. We gave personality tests in adult education where I used to work. I'm an INTJ-T personality. But I know I've always not been comfortable in crowds and love working alone. That's why Covid restraints didn't bother me as much as my very outgoing husband. And, I always have a project to keep me busy--or I'm thinking of the next thing to do.

    1. Only2.1% of the population-(the third most rare) are INTJs. Women INTJ's though are thought to make up only .5% of the population making us even more rare. So many articles to explain us- My son and daughter are both INTJs

  3. Sherri, really enjoyed your post. I had to laugh. I just unpacked my sewing room that has been in boxes since we moved last July. Then my husband brought home all the boxes of fabric I'd stored at our house in the country. I was aghast. I hadn't realized how much I'd accumulated. I'll never live long enough to use up half of the fabric so I'm donating a lot of it.


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