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Sunday, December 30, 2018

Making It Easy on Myself

Hi everyone.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Due to travel and scheduling issues, we won't be opening gifts and having family time until tonight, but better late than never, right?

And now we are approaching another new year. Wow, 2019. Seems like the time is flying by so fast everything is a blur. Whatever happened to 2018? I'm not sure where it went. All I know is that it could have been more productive for me.

Which leads me to the age-old topic of resolutions. You know, those promises we make to ourselves on January 1st to lose weight, be kinder, get more done, meditate, and anything else to keep us happy. All those promises are great and should have meaning for us. The only problem is we rarely fulfill them. I always say I'm going to lose weight. Never happens. I say I'm going to be kinder and nicer to people until my patience runs thin with silliness. Oops, not so nice. I also make a pact with myself to write more and fritter away my time less. That one seems to sneak out the door real fast. I am determined to go to the gym and get in better shape, yet will look for any excuse not to do so.

And then there's social media. Now this is a real time suck. Last year I kind of promised to spend less time on Facebook, Twitter, and Gab. Up until a few weeks ago, this resolution had tanked, too. Since learning of the shenanigans going on with Facebook and Twitter, I've cut back my participation a lot. But that's another blog for another time. Maybe next month. At any rate, these arbitrary promises are generally doomed from the start. Do we really need to promise ourselves to nice? Or productive? Or healthy? I mean, nobody wants to be nasty, lazy, or sick, do we? Unfortunately, I feel guilty by not making them.

I may have written on this subject before, but this time I've come up with some resolutions I think I can keep. I'll be honest. I found them as a posting on Facebook. I laughed until I realized, there was a grain of truth in them. They certainly are realistic. And I love making things easy for myself.

So here goes:

1. EAT TOO MUCH. This one is a cincherino! I can do this every day of the week with no regrets until I go to the doctor and he gives me "the look."

2. DRINK TOO MUCH. My comment on this is how much is too much? Kind of a shady, gray area, so keeping it won't be a hardship.

3. DON'T GO TO THE GYM. I'd love to keep this one, but know even the twice-a-week workout is good for me so I force myself into becoming an aficionado of torture. That thigh machine is a killer.

4. BUY MORE SHOES. No problemo. Just steer me toward the nearest DSW and I'm good.

5. DON'T TRY TO SLEEP ALL NIGHT. I've been doing this for years, so I might as well continue.

6. MISPLACE THINGS. Now, where the hell did I put that grocery list? Moving on...

7. WEAR PJs OFTEN. Do beach cover-ups come under this category? If so, I'm golden in the summer.

8. DON'T LOSE WEIGHT. This is in direct correlation to #1. So, if I follow the first rule, I'll be in good shape--or bad shape depending on how I look at it.

That's it. Resolutions I can live with and actually enjoy.

Whether 2018 was terrific or horrendous, I hope this has made you smile. Here's wishing you all a wonderful new year. See you next month.



  1. I love those resolutions. Now, there's something to which I can commit. LOL You made me laugh, Suzanne. Obviously, we think about some things in the same way.

    1. It's a case of mind over matter. I don't mind and it doesn't matter. LOL

  2. Ha! Funny resolutions. This year I'm changing my philosophy and wanting only to enjoy 2019 to its fullest since last year slipped through my fingers so quickly. Happy New Year!

  3. Amen. 2018 was not the best for us. Hoping 2019 is better.


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