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Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Holiday Season by @JacquieRogers #family

It's the Holiday Season!

The entire month of November is a blur.  Good grief--Christmas is bearing down on us like a freight train.  Some of us (like my sister) finished shopping in August.  Me?  Haven't started yet.  Love free two-day shipping. Ha!

We had a grand time over the Thanksgiving holiday.  My son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter visited from Seattle.  Here's a glimpse of Camp Rogers activities.

My son and his family arrived on Wednesday afternoon, but since we were going to the Mishlers for Thanksgiving we had our T-Day dinner on the following Sunday.  That meant my son couldn't have leftovers.  Translation: turkey pot pie.  So I cooked a turkey breast in the Instant Pot and made turkey pot pie for breakfast on Thanksgiving morning.  Yes, mothers do silly things like that.

We did have a fun time at the Mishlers but my granddaughter stayed up past her bedtime and I think she was plenty ready to come home.  Plus, there weren't any other six-year-olds for her to play with.

No trip here is complete without a trip to The Bowling Alley in Homedale.  They have super good food at reasonable prices.  My granddaughter had raspberry lemonade but actually allowed her mom to take a taste.

We had burgers, finger steaks, and drinks all for the same price we'd have paid at McDonald's, only the food tasted a lot better, plus the staff is always friendly.

Next up: PIZZA!  Our son is a champion pizza decorator rivaled only by his sister.  You can be assured that you'll get a taste of every ingredient with each bite.  Plus, it was a lot of fun to tease him about his OCD pizza decorating.

Turns out, my granddaughter only wanted the topping so my daughter-in-law ended up eating mostly crust.  She seemed not to mind, though!  We still have pizza in the freezer--this is just one of two, which was way too much for four adults and one little gal to eat.  Especially since we'd been eating for two solid days.

 But, not to be daunted, I began planning for our big Sunday meal--Thanksgiving at Camp Rogers.  To be honest, every day is Thanksgiving here, but this is an excuse for family to hang out together and create something wonderful.

My granddaughter is quite the cook when she's not climbing trees.  She even brought her own apron.  We made five pies, Rice Krispie squares, two cheesecakes, and bread.  When we were done, she gathered all the pie dough trimmings and carefully packed it into a cream cheese box to take home.  I don't know if her mom actually let her take it or if it was discreetly tossed.

And more pictures of the tribe:

For us, holidays are family-centric.  Sometimes family isn't blood-related, but that doesn't make much difference to us.

And now, for the Christmas lights.  Caldwell, Idaho, really knows how to put on a show.

Happy Holidays!  And don't forget--the authors of SGRR have lots of wonderful Christmas stories available for your enjoyment.

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Pickle Barrel Gazette

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  1. Man oh man the food was good and the company even better

  2. Wow! Love the Christmas lights along the river. Happy Holidays!

  3. Beautiful Christmas lights. Merry Christmas, Jacquie.


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