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Friday, November 2, 2018


By Caroline Clemmons

Many writers are introverts. Most of us like people—but not a lot of people at once. You probably have heard the phrase, “It’s too people-y out there.”

Once in a while, we need to be around nice people. No negativity, just kind friends who make us laugh and think. That’s why I love my Book Divas book club group.

Through the years we’ve been together—I think we began around 2000 or shortly thereafter—our membership has waned through death, moves, illness, and jobs. Those members remaining are some of my favorite people in the world. They are folks I trust implicitly.

One of our past Book Diva meetings at the
Blue Jasmine Restaurant in Hudson Oaks, TX
From left are: Mina Bruner, LaDana Morris,
Karen Travis Roades,
Linda Box, me, and Edwina Steele.

Some of the books we’ve read have been successes, some fell flat. We prefer a happy ending, but one member usually chose a weeper until we confronted her about her choices. BELLE CANTO is so not a happy book. Neither is FRANKENSTEIN. Yes, we’ve read both of those. Occasionally, they’ve even chosen one of my books, which are all happy endings.

The hostess chooses the book and the restaurant in which we meet. You knew there would be food, right? Through this group, I have discovered some favorite authors whose books I continue to read. The most recent selection, WHERE CRAWDADS SING, is one of my favorites even though I had a couple of problems with the logic of the mystery’s end.

In addition to reading, gathering together with like-minded friends will produce endorphins. These are the same endorphins that give a runner’s high. They elevate your mood and can last up to three days after the meeting. Isn’t that a great and easy way to help yourself?  

If you aren’t in a book club, I encourage you to form one. Pick a book you think you might enjoy, one which might stretch your reading habits a bit. If you are in doubt about books from which to choose, go to the site Book Movement  and see what other book clubs are reading.

Choose four or five friends and invite them to join you. Book Divas meet at two o’clock in the afternoon for lunch to avoid tying up tables during the busy lunch rush. You could also meet at a library, home, or other handy spot. Easy, peasy, right?


  1. What an excellent idea! Perhaps our new group, Writing in the Bluff, can incorporate this in some way. I'll bring it up at the meeting tomorrow.

  2. I belong to a book club when I'm in Florida. We meet at small Mediterranean restaurant on their covered patio and have dinner together--and discuss a book along with other things. It's the camaraderie that keeps us together, too.

  3. My daughter-in-law has had a great book club. They even go to the Coast for a week-end once a year. I think they are real gifts :)


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