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Saturday, March 10, 2018

Weddings and Whirlwinds by Susan Sheehey

Wow, does time fly!

I've been waist-deep in my upcoming release, Royal Wedding,
the finale novella in the Royals of Solana romantic suspense series. Comes out mid-May, just in time for Prince Harry & Meghan Markle's nuptials.

If anyone is interested in an Advanced Reader Copy, I'm sending those out in just a week or so. Sign up for my reader group here, they get first dibs.
Is this a shameless self-promo post, well...yes, I'm sorry. (There's at least a smidge of shame in my soul), but this is just where my mind has been the last several weeks. Plus, I'm so super excited, and this cover has me aww-ing, from the brilliant Jay Aheer from Simply Defined Art.

If you're interested, the description is below.

The invitations are sent. Champagne glasses are full. Paparazzi wait, breathless for the perfect shot. 

The eyes of the world are fixed on the opulent fairytale unfolding in tropical paradise.

If they only knew what it took for the Royals of Solana to reach Happily Ever After.

The weight on their shoulders has never been greater, the stakes never higher…

Royal Wedding is the finale of the Royals of Solana romantic suspense and adventure series 
by Susan Sheehey.

If you love exotic beaches, happy endings, and lavishly steamy romance, 
then you’ll drool for the Royals of Solana series.
One-click now!

A Royals of Solana novella

One year after reclaiming the throne of Solana, the island is still healing and rebuilding. 
Relentless paparazzi plague the royal family.

Limelight follows André and Gemma to every corner of the island, 
shining an invasive light on their blinding passion. 
With a rock on her finger for nearly a year, André fears she won’t ever agree to a nuptial date. 
Her fear of commitment rules much of their relationship 
until they discover an unlikely betrayal from within the palace.

Alanna and Flynn face the pressures of royal responsibility. 
He struggles to find his place by his queen’s side. Along with the obligation of 
producing an heir to the throne, he’s forced to face his own insecurities 
regarding personal childhood challenges.
The weight on Alanna’s shoulders has never been greater, 
and the eyes of the world are watching. 
Every detail of her life is dictated by governmental protocol.

Finding the privacy they need to rekindle the spark seems as difficult 
as navigating the turbulent waters of a royal wedding.
Happily Ever After is on the edge of disaster.


  1. Beautiful book cover and great timing for a royal romance! Good luck!

  2. Gorgeous cover and your theme is timely. Best wishes for continued success!


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