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Friday, February 2, 2018


The End

I don’t actually write those words at the conclusion of one of my books, but I definitely think them, followed by “Yay!” I recently completed DANIEL McCLINTOCK, book four of the McClintock series. (Which can be preordered at Hint, hint) I am excited about this book and hope readers will be entertained and love Clara and Daniel as much as I do.

But that’s not The End. Now I dive into my next project. Or projects. At the end of 2017, I made a plan for 2018’s writing. Sticking to the plan is not always easy.

You see, writers hear voices in their head. This is not a bad thing—unless the voices tell us to go haywire and engage in violence. Fortunately for me (and those around me) the violence in my life is committed by the villain in my latest book. And, I get to make sure he pays for his crimes. Writing is the best job!

I suppose each profession or hobby is the same. As soon as one project is completed, up pops the next to consume our time and engage our creativity. Here I go, diving into a new trilogy. This one is a time travel series in which women from the past come forward to today.

In my opinion, coming forward is more of an adjustment than going back in time. To go back, you would retain the knowledge about that era. You could definitely cash in on stocks and real estate, right?

Imagine coming forward. Almost everything is new. I did this with OUT OF THE BLUE, available at, in which the heroine was an Irish lass from 1845 . She helped a contemporary detective solve a series of murders. Writing that book was fun.

Whatever your passion, I hope you are able to engage in that activity this year. Be kind to yourself.

Caroline Clemmons is an award-winning and Amazon bestselling author. Find her books on her Amazon Author Page. Join her newsletter list for a free book, contests, and news of new releases.


  1. Kudos to you for finishing another book, and yay for us because we finally get to read it!

  2. Congratulations! I know what you mean about the voices in your head. It's difficult to stick to a plan when a siren voice calls from another book idea.

  3. You are one dedicated lady! I try and try to stick to a plan and fail. Best of luck with your writing endeavors.


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