Good Morning on this cloudy but beautiful Sunday. I thought I would share a bit about the town I've used for the setting of my latest release, Mail Order M'Lady, Brides of Beckham series. I always look for weather events or other historical exciting/inciting events. When I decided to set this story in 1901, Spindletop and the oil boom was the perfect setting.In my research I discovered the following that was normal or worse for an oil town.
town of Beaumont, Texas, was a dangerous place to be in 1901. Managers of
flimsy boarding houses along the dirt ruts of "Main Street" charged
exhausted riggers almost half a day’s pay to rent a cot for twelve hours.
Enterprising restaurateurs-built fires under 6-foot vats, filled them with
water and dried beans, and charged oil hands 15 cents for a cup of “soup.” Gas
blindness or even gas-induced death was a daily gamble for workers on the
seeping rigs. There was also no shortage of gambling and fisticuffs in the
ratty saloons. Things got so bad in one Texas boom town that Governor Moody
sent the Texas Rangers to settle things down.
Safe drinking water was nowhere, and dysentery was everywhere. In short,
a boomtown wasn’t a healthy place to call home for very long.

large fires occurred at Spindletop and in Beaumont during the years following
the first gusher in 1901. Reports of a fire on March 4, 1901 recorded that a
derrick, a boarding house, and a box car were all consumed by flames that
soared several hundred feet high. In 1902, the City installed a large steam whistle
atop Eastern Texas Electric Company for fire notification. The number of blasts
from the whistle would indicate the box number and location of a fire.
Mail Order M'Lady Blurb:
Lady Anne Medvale, the daughter of the
Marquess of Thamesford, has created a scandal by running away with a prominent
politician. In America, alone and penniless, she answers an ad in The Grooms’
Gazette and travels to Beaumont, Texas as a mail order bride.
Morgan Grant, a dedicated cattleman/lawman isn’t
looking for a wife, but circumstances present themselves and he marries an
unlikely mail order bride.
the two of them overcome their differences to live happily ever after?
Massachusetts, October 1900
Anne Medvale left the office of the bank president. She walked over to her lady’s
maid who had accompanied her on the cross-town trip.
preamble, she said, “Come along, Iris.”
O’Donnell joined her, waiting until they were outside on the walk before
asking, “What did he say, my lady?”
she was satisfied no one was near enough to overhear, Anne answered, “He
confirmed the communiqué I received from their establishment last week. There
will be no more credit at the bank. We are on our own.”
had speculated, at the time of your decision not to marry Mr. Ballard, this
might be your father’s response.”
but I’m stunned, none-the-less,” Anne agreed, “I had hoped he would see reason,
and not compel me to marry a man I don’t love or force me into a desperate
situation. I suppose I should have known better.”
been born a girl instead of a boy, she’d understood she couldn’t inherit her
father’s title or the estate. She would never have any money of her own, as any
monies she inherited would go to her husband. Her father, Henry Medvale,
Marquess of Thamesford, had always been more than generous with his daughters,
with the assumption that they would someday marry. Margaret and Elinor, both
younger, had married last year, fulfilling the family’s expectations.
Anne, at twenty-three, was becoming an embarrassment and a liability.
There was no one waiting in the wings for her, for evidently, she had spurned
one too many suitors. Plus, there was her dalliance with Mr. Smith, which had
endangered her reputation and further fueled her father’s course of action. Perception
was a wicked thing.
Good to see you all, have a blessed day,
Your book sounds so good, Carra. I am eager to read the entire set and have it on my Kindle. Your writing is always so good.
ReplyDeleteHaving grown up in West Texas during the Permian Basin oil boom, I'm definitely going to read this, Cara. Drilling for oil was a little less dangerous when I grew up, but working on a drilling rig is an inherently dangerous job to this day. And some of the same conditions and situations that you write about exist to this day. The evolution of the oil industry in Texas was an exciting time and I've never understood why more people haven't written about it.
ReplyDeleteIntriguing post, especially since my son lives in Fort Worth. As a side note, he and his crew with the Texas Air Guard evacuated 2100+ people from Beaumont during the last hurricane disaster. I need to put your book on my long reading list.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like a delightful story, Carra, especially since I lived in Beaumont for several years. I remember the humidity, the mosquitoes, and the scent of petrochemicals (if the wind was from the south) and paper mills (if the wind was from the north). I visited the Spindletop-Gladys City Boomtown Museum more than once. I'm looking forward to your portrayal of early Beaumont in this story.
ReplyDeleteCarra, I enjoyed learning about the history of the boomtowns in this post. How awful for the men who worked there, plus their families. Your book sounds intriguing. It has me wondering what happens to your heroine.
ReplyDeleteLove mail order bride romance novels. Enjoyed reading the background of the setting you used. Good luck with the new book!