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Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter

Today is a day for families to pray together, to feast together, and to have fun together--especially with their little ones.

Coloring Easter eggs is always a fun way to spend the day before Easter.

I never found a way to make that pursuit anything but messy. It was always fun nevertheless.

So I'm not posting about books and writing and the challenges authors face. Today should be allowed to unfold gracefully and be about faith, family, and friendship.

Instead, I just want to wish you peace, love, and happiness.

Enjoy the day with family and friends, and may peace, love, and happiness follow you through the rest of the year!


  1. Hope you had a wonderful Easter Day with your family, Joan!

  2. Absolutely love the Dalmatian picture. We used to have one when our sons were in middle and high school.

  3. Thank you for your Easter wishes, Joan. As part of our family celebration, I took my granddaughter to a community Easter egg hunt. Chaos ensued, but she had a great time and so did I.


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