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Monday, December 2, 2024


By Caroline Clemmons


We have entered my favorite time of year—the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve. There seems to me more smiling people, more anticipation, more happiness. Oh, maybe that’s just me. <g>

The Christmas season brings wonderful memories for me. I love selecting gifts for family and friends. As I’ve grown older and our family decreased, we have a much smaller number of gifts to choose.

When I was younger, I made special ornaments to go on the package of children’s presents we mailed. Bows get smashed. I can only remember a few: a hand puppet—cowgirls for girls and cowboys for boys; a five-inch Christmas stocking ornament; and a felt stick horse with a candy cane as stick with the crook in the horse’s head.

In addition, I deliberated over the selection of wrapping paper so that all the gifts coordinated for each family. I don’t remember why this seemed important. Well, it did look lovely.

Times and I have changed. Now a gift bag is easy, with a few sheets of tissue stuffed in over the gift. We no longer mail any gifts, which makes me kind of sad. All the nieces and nephews are grown and the extended family adults no longer exchange gifts.

Another thing I miss is making up ten or twelve plates of cookies and candy and a small loaf of zucchini bread to deliver to friends and neighbors on December 23rd. Lately, I intend to prepare the goodies but never get them made.

That reminds me of a funny story. The middle of December, I made large batches at a time of various cookies and froze them in Tupperware containers. One year I took the containers of chocolate chip cookies from the freezer. When I opened them, one was empty. My Hero stood near me looking sheepish.

He said, “You know, you’d be surprised how fast those cookies thaw in the microwave.”

Happy Holidays!


  1. Lol. I love the cookie story! I miss so many things about earlier days, but am so glad to have experienced them.

  2. Every year for the last few years, I have intended to decorate, bake, send cards, and all sorts of other holiday things and just like the past years, it hasn't happened. I love the cookie story as well ;) Obviously they were great cookies!


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