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Saturday, October 26, 2024

Halloween Spirit by Laura Hunsaker

With Halloween fast approaching I was thinking of reading a couple of Paranormal Romances to get in the Halloween spirit (not to be confused with Spirit Halloween lol). 

My favorite Paranormal Romances usually have a lot of action, or even a Romantic Suspense plot. So while I was scrolling my library, then Amazon, because my TBR is never ending, it got me thinking that I do have a preference in the sense that I don't really want bunny shifters, or hummingbird shifters. I don't know why I don't like that, but it's not my jam. I want vampires, werewolves, and depending on the world, other large predators. (And all of this is of course just my faves, not saying it's right or wrong or the only way. In fact I love both the Kate Daniels series and the Pride series by Shelly Laurentston which does have bunny shifters. I'm just generalizing). 

So when I came across this meme:

All I could think of was, um yes. Accurate. LOL I think this is why I want a monster romance. 

In my books. I want a monster hero in my books. In real life? Ehhhh...yeah I don't know if I could do that. I mean, thinking of the cryptids that are out there: Bigfoot? Skunk ape? Yeti? Chupacabra? Loch Ness Monster? I don't know.

But if werewolves and vampires were real, if well, Nessie and Bigfoot were real? I guess it would depend on the circumstances? Maybe? I'm not saying yes, but I'm not saying no... I mean, the Mummy? The one with Brendan Fraser? just saying, every single one of the those characters was beautiful, and that Mummy Imhotep was in love. His love transcended death. I mean, I'm not mad at that. 

So how about you? Are you a Paranormal Romance fan? Are you open to all? Or do you prefer the originals, vampires, witches, werewolves, etc?

And since I mentioned Spirit Halloween, I wanted to share this funny (fake-I snagged it from Instagram) costume that I feel we all can appreciate:

And if you want one of my Paranormal Romances, my vampires are $.99 right now ;)

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