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Friday, April 28, 2023

Old Friends by Bea Tifton

I'm filling in for my friend Beth Trissel today. 

When I was a little girl, we sang a song that went, “Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold. “

I have many friendly acquaintances, but I’m lucky enough to have some close ones.  One of the nicest things about having close friends that have been friends for several years is that we learn each other’s idiosyncrasies, and they become one of the reason we love them.  I have a friend who is rather eccentric. During the Pandemic, I got a Christmas card from her, a photo card featuring her holding her cherished fur baby. And they both had matching lipstick.

I have a dear friend who hates traffic circles. Haaaattteeesss them. I love them, and the smaller roundabouts designed to slow down traffic, too. It’s understood that if we’re going to have a girl’s day at the antique mall off of a major traffic circle, I will drive. She’ll be gritting her teeth while I’m yelling, “Wheeeeeee!”

Another friend is extremely interested in the Titanic. I was wandering around FB a few days ago and saw a post with some great factoids and photos of the doomed ship before it sailed. I promptly sent the post to her. It made me think about the fact that I have friends who have been friends long enough that we know those little things about one another. And remember them.

Which brings me to my point. Finally, right?  It’s that the treasure we have in old friends is that we really know each other, we share a past, times we laughed and times we cried.  I know about special interests or hobbies, and when I encounter something that reminds me of that person, it’s like I’m carrying that person with me.  And at times, I’ve taken photos or purchased something for someone and sent it to them, which lets that friend know I thought about them and that I care.  And my friends reciprocate. No matter how busy we are, we manage to at least send a text just checking in with each other.  And when we do reconnect, it’s like we’ve never been apart.


If you have friends like these, treasure those friendships. They’re pure gold. 

Photo Credits from Pexels
Abgreat Ann "Portrait of Woman Hugging Shiba Inu Dog"
cottonbro studio "Woman Wearing a Headscarf in a Convertible Car"
Aline Viana Prado "Woman Wearing Black Sunglasses"
cottonbro studio "Person Holding White Picture Frame"


  1. Several years back, a friend said, when three of us were in tears at the same time, that there were "no friends like old friends." I'd never heard it before, but I believe it!

  2. You are indeed fortunate to have close friends. I have always been such an introvert and have moved a bit and seems to always be working that I don't extend my hand to many folks. The ones I do have though are very dear to me.
    Another great post- Bea.

  3. I have a few good friends, one from as far back as high school. I don't have as many as I did a few years ago, but I'm determined to make new ones. Those I have are very dear to me.

  4. I think a lot of us writers seem to prefer a few soul-deep friends. I count your family as one of the genuine jewels of my life.


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