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Wednesday, February 2, 2022

I WISH YOU LOVE by Caroline Clemmons


Happy month of love! Well, love is welcome in any month, but we hear more about it in February. I hope you share romantic love with another and the love of friendship with many.

As a writer, I sometimes write love at first sight. Many people don’t believe that can happen. It can. It happened to me.

The first time I saw my Hero is still clear in my head. I remember what I was wearing, what he was wearing, what his sister was wearing, and where his mother stood in the doorway from the living room to the dining room. The occasion was at his sister’s thirteenth birthday party. He was fifteen and I was six weeks shy of thirteen.

Needless to say, I did not date him until years later. I feel eternally grateful that he and I have been wed for many, many years!

That’s my story. Also the story of several couples I’ve known through the years. See, love-at-first-sight does exist!

But not for everyone ...

For some, love grows from a long friendship. For others, dislike or competition slowly turns to love. However you find it, I wish you true and enduring love.

Happy Valentine’s Day.

P.S. Candy for Valentine's Day is nice for us, but it can be fatal for cats and dogs. Protect your pets from chocolate!


  1. Ah, what a sweet story about you and Hero. My husband and I connected after his stint in Vietnam. He looked me up. I was engaged. I canceled my engagement, dated him for three months and married him four months after that. Isn't love grand? Enjoyed your post!

  2. I love Hero's and your story. Our story is much like Judy's. We met and dated a little before Vietnam (I was on the rebound; he was a friend), came back together the week he came home, and married three months later.

  3. Love your love stories! After 30 years of marriage- I'm done- but that doesn't mean I don't like to hear about them.

    1. You have a lot going on in your life, Sherri. Not sure there's time in there for a husband.

  4. I'm also a lucky gal. Once I saw Mr R, that poor man didn't have a chance. Luckily, he cooperated, and I slowed the pace just enough for him to catch me. Happy Valentine's Day to you and Hero!

    1. You and Mr. R. are perfect together. So glad you caught one another.


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