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Monday, November 22, 2021

Beatty, Nevada's burros

 After living in a vacation trailer for 5 months, I don't have a lot to say. I do though have some photos-- the best ones from Beatty, Nevada, where the burros run free through town. Some years back the government had to reduce the herds, where they ended up in farms around the country. Currently there are 69 or so. 

The first ones we saw were in broad daylight as they roamed around for for food to eat. The second was one night when we saw a baby burro with its young mother-- too dark for photos. All were a treat. Fortunately, our trailer had a big window out the back to fully enjoy their freedoms and what this town has let them have. They were from the miners work but now they are wild and hope they stay that way.

I am still barely getting it together after the long hours of travel and time in the trailer. I don't think full-time RVing would ever be my thing.


  1. I love the pictures. I'd like to hear more about your long adventure. It's one of those things I don't want to do, but love hearing about! :-)

    1. Thank you. I am reading "A Place between The Tides by Harry Thurston and he has a good comment on this business of travel versus staying in one place. "Travel yields diversity; residence intimacy." Nobody gets it no matter what their choices might be. I don't want to travel that much. I love that intimacy of place to know it as much as one can. Sometimes though travel is pushed on me :)

  2. Burros are so cute, aren't they? I'm so glad you're back on the blog after your time away. I missed you! Did I tell you my husband bought a motion-release set up for his camera to take photos at night as you do? He heard me raving about the photos you and your husband take and decided to try. So far, we haven't had the success you do but it's fun to see who our nighttime visitors are.

    1. I thought I replied here already but must have not pushed the right buttons to make it go. That should be fun with your camera to see what's around when you aren't out there.

  3. I was in Beatty last weekend! How funny! Great photos.

    1. Did you see the burros. This was the closest we ever got.

    2. A few, yes. Mostly jackrabbits and chukar though.


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