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Thursday, September 2, 2021


By Caroline Clemmons

We’ve survived summer, and we’re coasting toward fall. In North Central Texas, summer lasts through September and sometimes into October. August usually brings our hottest temperatures. Fortunately, this year was kinder.

My family recalls 1980, a year we had so many consecutive days over 100 degrees F that many people got the T-shirt touting they’d survived. We had guests from Tampa, Florida on a day that was 113 degrees. One of the sons asked, “Why do you live here?”

Hmm, at the time I didn’t have a good answer. I still can’t explain it except to say, “It’s a Texas thang.” We’ve lived in other states—California and Florida. Both are lovely places with many benefits and attractions. But, we always come “home” to Texas. But I digress.

Fall is my favorite season. Mother Nature paints most trees lovely shades of gold, orange, and red. Our weather becomes bearable so we can enjoy being outside.

In fall, we pick up the anticipation of the approaching holidays. Indeed, from now until December 24, I’m filled with plans and happiness. You see, I’m a Christmas-aholic. I’m not being irreverent, because I’m a devout Christian who reveres the “reason for the season.”

At the same time, I love the joy of giving gifts to those we love and to those in need. Don’t you giggle inside with anticipation of how pleased a loved one will be with what you’ve chosen? I do. Of course, we don’t always see the loved one or friend open the gift, but we have a good imagination.

A friend and I enjoy choosing names from an Angel tree and try to get those in the same family. That way we’re assured that each child’s gifts will be similar—at least in value. Again, we laugh inside when we imagine the happiness each child will feel.

I treasure all the decorations. I’m not alone—some people leave their tree up all year. A week or so before Christmas, Darling Daughter 2 and I drive around to look at the lights. We ooh and aah at the elaborately decorated homes.

Before then, there’re Halloween and Thanksgiving.

I’m amazed that Halloween has become as big on decorations as Christmas. The knowledge makes me a little sad because it means Christmas is less special to those people. But, I suppose it’s all in fun.

Thanksgiving is not a huge holiday at our house. We try to be thankful all year, so one day of thanks seems contradictory. Still, we get together for a special meal. Being together is a reason to be thankful.

Fall arrives officially in a few weeks. Do you welcome the change or long for summer weather all year?

Life changes quickly as it speeds by. Enjoy each day! 


  1. I love fall. Here in Idaho we have warm days into the 90s but cool nights, so great for sleeping. Of course, it will cool off considerably in mid-October, but until then, I'm going to enjoy every minute! Thanks for such a lovely post.

  2. I love fall- best of all- and Thanksgiving, but this year has flown by. I guess they all do after a certain age.


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