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Tuesday, September 18, 2018


By Caroline Clemmons

Carra Copelin is up against a deadline, so I’m filling in for her today.

Many of us work from home—not just authors and stay-at-home moms or dads. Thanks to the access via computer, many companies are allowing workers to use their home as their office for at least part of the workweek. For me as a writer, this is wonderful.

Working from home is great

Working from my small home office allows me the freedom to choose my hours, although I try to maintain a schedule. I don’t have to buy expensive office clothes or commute. No parking problems, auto depreciation, or fuel costs either.

One of the only bad things about this situation is the lack of human contact. Sure, my sweet Hero keeps me company, but some authors are single. Every human needs the contact of other humans—even introverts like me. Online friends are beneficial, but we need face-to-face interaction.

Talking Face-to-face can't be replaced

Those who test for this sort of thing report that contact with other people creates endorphins that elevate our mood. What’s more, the effect of this rise in mood lasts for up to three days. In other words, getting together with friends is better than an antidepressant. (NO, I’m not telling you to stop your medication!)

For people like me, leaving home is difficult. But I had a lovely experience last weekend from attending a small conference, Western Fictioneers, who met in Oklahoma City. The workshops were helpful from a practical aspect. Meeting people and chatting was helpful from the endorphin increase.

How did this happen? I ended up on a panel. From left to right you
have me, Jacquie Rogers (standing), James Reasoner,
and Robert Vardeman.

So, if you are isolated, make arrangements to meet friends for lunch or just get together for a chat and a cup of coffee or a soft drink. You’ll be dosing yourself with the good kind of medicine that will help you the rest of the week.

Everyone needs a hug occasionally.


  1. I agree. We need to get out from our comfort zone behind electronic devices and our computers. After I have lunch with a friend, I feel so much more energetic. Great post.

  2. I love this blog post, Caroline. And after losing my Mom, I admit I've been in a slump. I need to get out more often and mingle. It always cheers me up and usually gets the muse flowing.

  3. Enjoyed your post very much. Spot on. People need people.


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