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Saturday, December 30, 2017

Been A Long Couple of Months by Suzanne Rossi

Hi everyone.

First of all, I must apologize for not posting last month. I contracted what I can only describe as "The Crud" Thanksgiving weekend. I don't often get sick, but when I do, it's usually a doozy. This was no exception--sore throat, fever, coughing, and a constant runny nose. YUCK! It hung on for almost three weeks. Since I'm a sharing person, I passed "The Crud" along to my husband, who didn't speak to me for days. It wasn't until sometime in early December that I realized I'd forgotten to blog. Prior to that, I submitted a manuscript to my editor only to find out she's quitting as of the first of the year. My story, A Taste of Death--book three of The Snoop Group series, is now with my new editor. I've got my fingers crossed that all goes well.

December is one of those months I both hate and love. Here in the Memphis area, it's inevitably damp, chilly, and, if the wind is blowing, raw. Makes for interesting Christmas shopping. I hate battling crowds and have come to rely on the Internet more and more. However, sometimes you just have to suck it up and throw yourself into the mob.

I have seven grandchildren between the ages of twenty and three. The two oldest I can bribe with cold, hard cash. The rest are a challenge. Four boys and a girl--all under twelve. My ideas for gifts revert back to when my sons were that age, and those ideas are now out of touch with today's tech world. I had no clue what to get my granddaughter. At nine, she's beginning to come out of that "kiddie" stage and look toward more sophisticated gifts.

At a loss, I decided to avoid the mall. Instead, I went to Hobby Lobby. I don't do much in the line of crafts anymore, but decided maybe the kids might get a kick out of something there. I also had a list of secondary stores nearby. Lo and behold, I spent two-and-a-half hours in the Lobby. I was transported back to my childhood. As an only child, I had to rely on my imagination to amuse myself. Often, that included crafty things. So, I figured why not go for it? I managed to buy just about all I needed in one store. I only made one other stop for an educational toy for the youngest.

I can safely say, I made a wise decision. The kids were expecting the usual boring clothes, but they seemed enthused about painting dinosaurs, weaving pot holders/placemats, and putting together small models. Watching their faces as they opened gifts is the part I love about December no matter how cold, windy or wet it may be.

As an added bonus this year, my oldest son is traveling from Northern Illinois to come visit over New Year's. It'll only be a few days, but I look forward to it. He'll be here soon, and we'll get to have Christmas all over again as he opens his gifts.

I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas/Hanukkah and will enjoy a prosperous 2018.

See you all next month--I promise. LOL



  1. Suzanne, yours sounds like a wonderful Christmas. Young children make the season so much more fun. We had a nice Christmas. We also shared the crud at our house. I think everyone I know has had the stuff. Happy New Year!

  2. Glad you had a wonderful Christmas. I love Hobby Lobby. They are jam-packed full of ideas for creative endeavors. Happy New Year!


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