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Sunday, September 4, 2016

Smart Girls Contest Month! #KindleFire #freebooks

Honey Does Washington State

by Jacquie Rogers

Honey Beaulieu has been around western Washington this month.  First of all, she attended a family party and met with cover model Kyle Walker.

And of course Honey helped roast a pig.

Then she took off for Everett and had a great time at the Waterfront Book Festival.  Here, she's meeting with Katherine Bacher and pilot.

Then she and her editor, Elizabeth Flynn, colluded against me.

And of course she buddied up with the organizer, author Lori Lyn.

A few days later, Honey and her scribe headed to Chelan--there's a nice lake, wine, and good company.

The first thing she did was check out the eating places.

My guess is she's going to choose Señor Frog's fine establishment.  Especially since she was offered a cold cerveza, which she wouldn't pass up on a bet.


Looks like she bearly made it out of there!

And then took in a movie while her scribe is hard at work (which was not fair).

The gals at Smart Girls Read Romance are having a contest to acquire new followers. Our members include NYTimes and bestselling and award-winning authors. The aim of our contest to get more blog followers. Win a Kindle Fire and fifteen e-books to load onto the new reader. All you have to do to enter is go to the blog’s sidebar and follow us. Simple, right? Those already following are automatically entered in the contest. If you already have a Kindle Fire, keep in mind that a major gift-giving season is rushing our way. Ho, ho, ho.  (My sister probably has her shopping all done, but the rest of us don't.)

The contest is open until midnight September 6. The winner will be announced on this blog on September 8. Please comment!  We love to hear from you.

Keep up with Jacquie Rogers' latest news at the
Pickle Barrel Gazette!

Hot Work in Fry Pan Gulch 
(Honey Beaulieu - Man Hunter #1)

Hearts of Owyhee series


  1. Oh to be a fly on Honey's shoulder. What places that girl gets to. Here's to many more great 'journeys'. Doris

  2. I wish I'd known Honey had been gallavanting around my part of the world. I would have offered her a cerveza myself! Thanks for giving us an insight into Honey's shenanigans.

  3. How fun. Love Honey and her scribe. Come on blog followers!

  4. Your Honey Beaulieu brings back fond memories of Flat Stanley.


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