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Monday, June 6, 2016

Summer Survival ...


Must haves for summer survival...
1. a schedule of worksheets for them to do to keep their minds sharp.
2. a football to toss outside
3. freeze pops...

4. a library card
5. Headphones (for yourself, trust me)

On the home front, there are 10 more weeks of the summer. My “galaxy” as I like to call them (since we are the “guardians of” lol)… will be doing various summer camps—hey, with 5 of them in the house at the lowest $150 a week… it’s kind of expensive around here. I've got a schedule set for them, worksheets printed out so their brains won't turn to mush. I have my writing schedule to coordinate quiet time. And there there will be camps here and there. All I can think about are the adventures and stories they’ll come home with. As a writer, my mind begins to wander and wonder who will be first to have a summer love. 

 Do you remember yours?
On a safer topic... I at least remember my summer romance books over the summer time.

Ahh Elizabeth Wakefield fell in love with "an older man"... lol 

You’d think with as creative as I can be with pen and paper... I’m not all that creative when it comes to finding things for my “galaxy” to do. The closet thing I’m going to have them do is a backyard slip ‘n slide.
Wish me luck… because I am happy with giving them a book to read. I wonder if the boys would appreciate a SVH. Oh well, I did spend the afternoon at Starbucks with my 13 year old and his algebra teacher.

Have I ever shared with y'all my summer book... the book that takes place over the summer? Give it a try.. It answers the question of... "what do retired beauty queens do after they hang up the crown"... 
(Perfect timing for Miss USA, Miss District of Columbia) . 

So not only is it now summer.... there are officially 29 more weeks Christmas. Right about now, Macy Cuomo’s calendar is booked up for holiday decorating. What is that? Imagine hiring someone to climb up on your roof for those competitive festive lights. Check out, The Magic of Mistletoe

Also... please check out this week's spotlight on  Kimani Authors... maybe you'll find a new favorite to put on your summer reading schedule. 
Authors Participating:

Hope to see y'all there! 


  1. I only had 4 in the summer when the kids were in school. I kept them as busy as I could. On days when it rained, I paid them a nickel an item to polish the silver. Other times, we made hand-crafted Christmas ornaments. Anything to keep them from picking on each other. "He's touching me." "No, I'm not." "Yes, he is." Etc.

  2. Sounds like you're going to be busy this summer. Enjoy!

  3. I have one nephew who gets very high-pitched when he's upset.. which of course tells me they're doing something they shouldn't. I love it when I yell out "what's going on?".... and they collectively sing out, "nothing". lol


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