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Saturday, March 12, 2016

Life Goes On by Paty Jager

Most people believe a writer can pick up and write whenever they want and they play a lot. I can vouch for the fact writers take writing as serious as any other job where the person gets paid an hourly wage or a salary. Only a writer gets paid once a month, if readers buy their books. We have no guarantee that there will be money at the end of the month to pay the bills that need paid.

Yet, most serious writers will spend 60-80 hours a week writing, researching, promoting, and doing the business side of writing. There are few people who are as dedicated to their job as an artist. We spend hours away from family and friends to create and do the business side of things for little and sometimes no monetary compensation.

However, you'll never hear an artist complain about the creative part of their endeavor. I enjoy creating characters, settings, and coming up with the plot of a story. It's like a painter drawing the lines that will eventually become a colorful picture.

The business side is a whole 'nother set of the writing that very few writers like. I find it time consuming and hard to stay focused on. I just want to create.

Several weekends ago, I was attending a conference. Day two of the conference, I caught the nasty virus going around. I was miserable, but I persevered, found medicine, and made the panel I was moderating. I wished I was home so many times, but I knew I had to do the jobs I'd signed up to do at the conference. Just like any other employee, I made sure I was at "the job of the day". You have to push through everything and continue on if you want to make your way in this dog-eat-dog world of publishing.
Writing Different Cultures Panel
I have company- four grandkids ages 1 year to 11 years-old that are visiting. While they do their homeschooling, I work on my writing. I have a book to get out this month and can't stop the writing flow for two weeks to play.

How do you see the writing life? Glamorous or like any other job?


  1. Before I became a writer, I thought it was a glamorous life. Now I know that it's long hours just as you said above. I think I make far less than if I worked for minimum wage, but I can't help myself. I HAVE to write.

    1. Caroline, That's the way I am. If I don't write I'm not happy. Would love to make more money to make hubby happy, but it is what it is. Thanks for commenting!

    2. Caroline, I agree I HAVE to write as well. Hubby would like me to make more money but he also understands the drive in me to write. Thanks for commenting!

  2. Excellent post. Thank you for telling it like it is! I've been surprised by how much time is taken up with blogging and all the other details required to let people know about our books, but it's all worthwhile in the end, isn't it?

    1. Hi Sandra. It does surprise people how much time a writer spends promoting their work. But there is no other way to let readers know about the books. And yes, it is worth the time when a new book is out in the world. Thanks for commenting!

  3. It's a joy and it's a job. Great post!

    1. I agree, Stanalei! Thanks for stopping in and commenting!

  4. For me, the writing is rewarding but it is hard work. The promoting is what's toughest as I am reluctant to push my work and yet if I don't, it doesn't get seen. It's quite a learning process to do what works without ending up feeling like spam.

    1. Hi Rain, I agree about the spam. My hubby gets upset with me because I don't tell everyone I see that I'm an author and hand them a bookmark or business card. It isn't in my DNA. So he does it. LOL Thanks for stopping in!

  5. You said it all! Sometimes it seems like a thankless job. No or little pay, no reviews or very few, do people even read or look at my work? But when I'm in a story it's worth all the time I do put into it. Creating is a rush!I love your books Paty!


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