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Monday, July 6, 2015


By Carolyn Hector

So last month my goal was to complete Book 3 before my edits came in for my November/December book (Book 1) right? Well… I ended up getting my edits and let me tell it was like doing the walk of shame.

 Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want you to think I thought my editor was horrible… I was embarrassed for myself. Half way between seeing what had been fixed… and the things I needed to fix… I questioned whether or not I am cut out for being a published author. I looked some of the corrections and felt completely stupid. I even thought I must have sent them the wrong draft.

But guess what, y’all?
And I am better for it. I submitted my edits an started work on Book 3…. When what happens? 

This new hero is consuming my world. I want to write his story….but I know I have to focus on finishing Book 3. So last week I thought I’d finish Book 3, but there’s of course my new job duties which are the equivalent of a brand new job for me  … of course.. I’ve gone back to the beginning chapters and took what I’ve learned from the edits in Book 1. Whew… and then guess what? Not to make excuses, but uh, a huge oak tree fell into our yard. Everyone is fine, but the tree needed to be moved. 

 The whole time of moving each branch and log.,. my future hero is still knocking on my mind.

 I sat down last night to write while my oldest daughter took my nieces and my son to the 4th of July fireworks… (Oh yeah… Happy b-lated 4th

But anyway….. so my daughter calls and tells me my son is sick with a migraine and the EMTs are taking him to the ER. So I spent most of last night and wee hours of the morning in the ER. (he’s fine.. a combo of migraine and heat… and totally excited to hang out with his cousins was not a good mix).
So, by next entry,… I really hope I finish Book 3 and have a partial for this persistent hero. Wish me luck!

In the meantime, so many things have happened in the world…. #LoveWins Let's keep traveling on this diversity highway!

I'm off to get my writing on...


  1. Everyone had times in their writing when they can't believe how much more work they still need to do or when life interrupts your best laid writing plans. Hang in there it gets a bit easier and you flog yourself less as time goes by and you realize you can't do it all and no one writes a perfect book the first time. It takes edits and rewrites and the perspective of someone else to make it all work in the end.

  2. Don't you hate when life interferes? And it always does, doesn't it? Glad your son is all right.

  3. Oh, dear. Sounds as if your writing life is like mine: Start, stop, start, stop, start, stop... and so on until you want to scream in frustration. *LOL* Good luck!


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