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Saturday, June 6, 2015

Balancing Act

By Carolyn Hector
Happy Saturday... Hopefully as you are reading this, I will be posted at my laptop writing away. 

Has anyone heard that awesome remake of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody?  It’s the Bohemian Momsody.

This woman totally gets me. And this brings me to what's on my mind recently. 
 My Balancing Act!

I recently acquired new duties at work which keep me busy from 8-5… I can’t figure out when to take a break because the minute I leave my desk, there’s something else.

By the time I get home, it’s 5:50 and time to make dinner (I really need to break out my crockpot).

I thought I’d be happy for the summer to arrive as far as my household went. I figured they don’t need as much. My soon-to-be 19 year old can take the 12-year old around town and entertain him. What was I thinking?  I got them a pool pass… to which my daughter would rather go on the weekends when she doesn’t have class.. and oh yeah.. “hey mom, why don’t you come along?”
Do I say no to those sweet faces? Time is precious with the youth.. right?
I figured in the evening I’d get more writing done but now my husband has decided that it’d be a great idea that we start catching up on The Blacklist and Castle… oh and let’s go ahead and watch whatever came on Netflix. 
Do I say no? He's been trying really hard to keep the spark. And when I say my husband spoils me with THE BEST FOOT RUBS EVER.. I mean it! 

I figured I’d get up at 5:00 in the morning and write….  
HEY! That's what REALLY got me into dedicating my time to writing.. Way back when my daughter had to get up at 5 to get ready to catch the bus at 6:20... I couldn't let her be the only one up that early. 

I simply have to get out of this funk. I’ve got to finish “book 3” for a projects. I’m about three chapters away from finishing. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I’m trying to get this done before the edits on “Book 1”. I fear I’ll lose focus and confidence after seeing my pages bleed with corrections. I’m not crazy am I?

Here's my new weekend balancing act 
5:00-7:00 WRITE
7:00-12:00 chores
12:00-6:00 Family time
6:00-9:00 WRITE
9:00-10:00 Orphan Black

5:00-7:00 WRITE
8-12:00 work
12:00-1:00 WRITE
1:00 - 5:00 work
6:00 - 8:00 WRITE 
8:00 -10:00 Husband time 

If I write it and post it out there in the universe.. I'll do it. If you see me posting on Facebook passing level 951 on Candy Crush (yes, did I mention my other vice?) ... or on Twitter @Carolyn32303

Remind me.. 

But who am I to complain? I did ask for this life .. it’s time to put the big-gurl panties (btw.. granny panties are back in style now)… and get to writing!

So the next time you hear from me, I'll have book 3 done.. and hopefully my edits for my November book. 

BTW.. if you get a chance and you want to spice up your reading list.. June 8th check out the home of my November book. The link may work on the 8th though. 

Take care, happy reading, and successful writing!  


  1. You are a very busy lady! Makes my head spin just thinking about it! When people enjoy your books, it makes it all worthwhile doesn't it?

  2. Clever post, Carolyn. Juggling work, children, husband, and household chores doesn't leave much time for writing. Good for you for making dedicated time.

  3. I complain a lot about having no time for life, that I'm always writing and editing. Then I read posts by women like you who have jobs outside the home and children still at home. Heck, I'm retired with a husband who helps a lot around the house. Really, I have it easy. It's the writers like you who are my heroines, and I bow to your time management skills. Awesome post.

  4. This is why I didn't get set a goal of getting published until the last two kids were in high school. I volunteered too much and couldn't have been dedicated to writing like I am now. Congrats on your dedication! I look forward to seeing your next post and hearing you made the deadline.

  5. I'm retired and have plenty of time to write, but ... it seems like my days are full! But after reading your post, I know I don't have any good excuses. Good luck with your summertime writing schedule. I'm looking forward to reading your latest creations.

  6. I'm retired and have plenty of time to write, but ... it seems like my days are full! But after reading your post, I know I don't have any good excuses. Good luck with your summertime writing schedule. I'm looking forward to reading your latest creations.


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