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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

My Busy Life!

Hi all,

My, time passes so quickly I can't believe it's my turn to blog again. Where does the time go? But, I'll be glad to see old man winter ride off into the sunset. I want flip flops and beaches. Of course, there isn't a beach close to me, but I'll settle for warmer weather.

Just a heads up on what's going on in my corner of the world. The most important thing is I've been writing up a storm and reading every thing I can get my hands on. No matter how hectic life gets, stop and read a book.

I sometimes just need to recharge my batteries and a good page-turner does that for me. I love melting into a story as the real world fades away. I've been so busy reading Romantic Suspense that often I have to change the genre and pick up something completely new and exciting.

Recently I read a Young Adult and a Sci-fi. I usually don't go to those places, but I thought I needed something different and I was delightfully surprised. I loved both books and will again go to the far side of the reading spectrum and tip my toes into something completely different than what I normally read. I think it spruces up the brain and gets the creative juices going.

If you feel a little stale, take my advice and wonder over to something you'd never thought of reading before and see if you don't walk away with a new perspective on that genre. Also, don't be afraid to live a little dangerously and read that different 'kind' of book.

Happy Endings,
Geri Foster


  1. Great blog Geri! That's why I enjoy our book club. It stretches you to read books you might normally choose. Opens up your reading arena.

  2. I meant to say books you might not normally choose.

  3. Great perspective, Geri! I'm reading a book right now on a subject I never thought I would. It's for research for my next book , but still. I need to do more recreational reading! Good post!

  4. Too often our reading time gets swallowed up by our writing time. I just finished reading a bunch of marketing books. Not as fun as romance but useful I suppose.


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